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Expected stages of evolution in conversational AI

1st generation (chatGPT) : extracting top-level information + expressing it in human language

2nd generation : logical error extraction from given information + expressing it in human language

3rd generation : predicting the future though analysis of past trend changes + expressing it in human language

4th Generation : extracting question of 'Why' from given information + Expression in Human Language

#Expected #stages #evolution #conversational #AI #chatGPT


Analysis of why Google, the icon of innovation, fails too much

 It comes after Google's massive restructuring on January 20, which surprised the tech industry around the world as well as Silicon Valley. On this day, 12,000 people and 6% of Google employees lost their jobs.

Many projects have been carried out in line with Google X's goal of preparing for the future of search engines by developing technologies and services that others cannot think of. However, it is recognized that Every day Robots, Autonomous driving through Waymo, Biotechnology through Verily, Hot-air balloon Internet, Flying wind farms, and Google Glass have failed in their current state.

Google has a broader perspective and a stronger willingness to prepare for the future than other companies. However, the level of understanding the long course of human history seems low. What was the long course of human history? 

A. History of living organisms

On average, except for plants, all animals, including humans, have a long history of being energy-satisfied. Also, no animal, including humans, has something that evolutionarily reflects the management function of energy-fulfilling states. 

Animals that cannot make their own energy have the lowest emotion of aggression to acquire energy to ensure their survival and fear not to become energy for other animals. Furthermore, the constant lack of energy seems to have made aggression and fear essential to life. However, since the First Industrial Revolution (about 250 years ago), a significant number of people have experienced over-fulfillment. Things have changed, but we still live with aggression and fear in nature. 

This aggression and fear seem to be inducing a universal feeling of 'feeling of deficiency' in humans as labor begins. I believe that the "feeling of scarcity" has been strengthened little by little as long-term labor began to generalize as agriculture began in earnest about 7,000 years ago, but suddenly became a sedentary-centered society after the first industrial revolution. 

When strong external threats such as predators and natural disasters existed, it seems that they felt strong emotional satisfaction while overcoming difficulties together through solidarity between humans. But as civilization develops, strong external threats have gradually disappeared, reducing the need for solidarity, and weakening solidarity seems to be reducing emotional fulfillment. On the other hand, physical labor in the agricultural era and mental labor in a sitting position after industrialization (including emotional labor) seem to accumulate constant low-intensity stress on the body in a person's life. This persistent low-intensity stress seems to be the most common but not easily recognized trace of poison that increases aggression and, in severe cases, leads to depression. 

However, the tendency of aggression and fear to pursue material energy predation is leading not only to "feeling of scarcity" but also to harm the stability of the Earth, the home of life on Earth.

B. the six main orders of organic evolution

On the other hand, I believe that the following six orders are extracted from the history of life and social organisms. ​

1. Principle of optimum efficiency 

The direction of evolution to higher life was to minimize the moment (the force to rotate around a point) generated by the body during energy acquisition activities. This can be expressed as the direction of pursuing optimal efficiency for energy acquisition/consumption. The optimization has continued in the direction of walking animals in the upright and flying or swimming animals in the streamlined direction. Here, 'pursuit' does not mean pursuit as a direct will. Looking back on the results of interaction between natural selection and rare leaps (mutations), a tendency to be interpreted as "pursuit" is observed.

2. Principle of instability

Instability is the driving force behind the evolution of life and social organisms (organization, state, etc.). "Inversibility leads to instability, instability leads to self-organization, and self-organization conceives life," said Ilya Prigozin, head of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In the same principle, desire (irreversibility) leads to confusion (insecurity), confusion (insecurity) leads to will to change (self-organization), and will to change (self-organization) has conceived a new society (life).

3. Principles of Aging

The rate of aging of individual life or individual social organisms is 'excessive energy accumulation' and 'deepening speed of energy distribution imbalance'. Harvard biologist Bernd Heinrich says, "Eating extra calories means growing faster and maturing faster, resulting in shorter lifespan." 

4. Principles of imitation

The structure of human society has evolved and will continue to emulate the human body and mind (brain) more precisely! Social structural evolution is human particle avatarization, and metaverse can be seen as wave avatarization.

5. Principles of Metacognition

All living things walk their own path of optimal efficiency. But the road can be classified into two paths. The first path is to conform to the will of selfish genes (survival and reproduction). The second path is beyond the will of this gene through metacognition. It is against the second law of thermodynamics. Socrates' words, "Know yourself!" can be seen as an official starting point for metacognition and social evolution.

6. Principle of connection

As much as the development of transportation and communication means, the scope of 'we' has expanded. Humans have been connected to each other as much as their development, and as much as they are connected, the scope of 'we' has expanded, and will continue to be so!

C. The 4 Major Weaknesses of Man and the Industrial Revolution

On the other hand, humans are showing weaknesses in the following 4 functions.

  • Responding to slowly and continuously changing environment
  • Oversufficient state management function
  • Complex information simplification function
  • Body and mind vulnerable to a sedentary activity-oriented society
Reinforcement technologies for "complex information simplification functions" have been implemented under the name of the 4th Industrial Revolution through cloud and AI technologies after the development of computers and IT technologies. The 4th Industrial Revolution is also expected to reinforce to some extent the "function of responding to slow and continuous environmental changes." I believe that the next revolution will be the technology that reinforces the last two weaknesses of humans, "over-fulfillment status management function" and "body and mind vulnerable to a sedentary activity-oriented society."

  • 1st Industrial Revolution = Technology for replacing muscle strength (heat engine)
  • 2nd Industrial Revolution = Energy conversion technology (electricity)
  • 3rd Industrial Revolution = Some functional reinforcement technologies of the brain (computer and IT)
  • The 4th Industrial Revolution = Reinforcement Technology (AI) of the Brain's Complex Information Processing Function 
  • The 5th Industrial Revolution? = Brain's reinforcement of excess energy management functions, or body and mind vulnerable to a sedentary activity-oriented society.

D. Prediction of the 5th Industrial Revolution

The following areas play a major role in the 4th Industrial Revolution (technology-oriented that realizes the "principle of optimal efficiency" among the "major five orders of organic evolution" centered on digitalization).  

  • FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google): A platform company that eliminates existing distribution energy inefficiencies in the areas of human interaction, objects, movies, and information 
  • Cryptocurrency: Money that eliminates the inefficiency of existing currencies that require arbitrators.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) : A technology that complements the speed and capacity of the human brain's information processing. 
  • Internet of Things (IoT): Technology that connects objects and objects to each other through the Internet 
  • Quantum Computing: Technology for Dramatically Increasing Computational Speed
  • Metaverse: 3D virtual world on the Internet fused with the real world = Social realization of the imaging and storage capacity of the human brain 
  • Nanotechnology: Technology for manipulating materials of atomic size 
  • Bio: Physiology, Chemistry, Genetic Disease Control Technology 
  • Advanced Materials: Material Development Technology to Extend the Limits of Existing Materials 

I expect the 5th Industrial Revolution to be centered on the following. It is listed in order from technically easy to implement to difficult.

  • Realization of Postural Deformation Prevention Techniques in the Body
  • Realization of AI technology that can analyze logical errors and ask creative questions from given information
  • Realization of technology that realizes 'the principle of metacognition' among 'the five main orders of organic evolution'
  • the realization of technology to ensure the stability of the earth
  • Realization of technology to reinforce the brain's excess energy management functions 
  • The realization of technology to increase transportation speed dramatically
  • the realization of emotional (desire and fear) control techniques

In conclusion, Google seems to have too many failures because it navigates to the unknown without a map.

#google #Failure #analysis 


Understanding body posture from the perspective of neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity causes deformation of body posture!

'Neuroplasticity' means that the nerves related to the parts of the body that are used frequently develop more, and the nerves related to the parts of the body that are used less often degenerate. The development of nerves related to a specific part leads to the development of related muscles, and the biased development of these muscles causes deformation of body posture.

<Neuroplasticity/Feldenkrais (1904-1984, Ukraine)/engineer and physicist>

1. The mind programs the functions of the brain.

2. The brain cannot think without motor functions.

3. Movement awareness is the key to improving movement.

4. Discrimination (a conscious activity that makes the smallest possible sensory distinction between movements) maps the brain.

5. Discrimination is easiest when the stimulus is the smallest.

6. Slowness of movement is the key to awareness, and awareness is the key to learning.

7. Reduce effort if possible.

8. Errors are essential and there is no right way to move, only a better way.

9. Random movement provides change that leads to developmental breakthroughs.

10. Even the slightest movement of one part of the body involves the whole body.

11. Many movement problems and the resulting pain are caused by learned habits, not abnormal structures.

[Neuroplasticity principle and body posture 1]

*FCMA, Neuroplasticity principle 1. The mind programs the functioning of the brain.

In 1949, well ahead of the contemporary discussions of neural plasticity, Feldenkrais put forth the idea that the developing mind shapes our use of our neural capacities. That is, how we have come to think in language and images, what and how we perceive and attend to things, our preferences... begin to direct how our brain and nervous system works.

Feldenkrais wrote, "The mind gradually develops and begins to program the functioning of the brain. My way of looking at the mind and body involves a subtle method of 'rewiring' the structure of the whole human being to be functionally well integrated, which means being able to do what the individual wants. Each individual has the choice to wire himself in a special way" (Feldenkrais cited in Doidge, 2015, p. 159)

*What is mind? Minds were traditionally understood as substances but it is more common in the contemporary perspective to conceive them as properties or capacities possessed by humans and higher animals.

[Neuroplasticity principle and body posture 2]

*FCMA, Neuroplasticity principle 2. A brain cannot think without motor function.

Feldenkrais believed in the unity of "the mind and the body" Feldenkrais' use of imagined movements is one way we see is application of this principle. The bodily changes with emotion are another example. Doidge writes, "People may believe they can have a pure thought, but in a deeply relaxed state, Feldenkrais pointed out, they will observe every thought leads to a change in their muscles" (Doidge, 2015, p. 170)

* Eam Taekyoung : The sentence, “The brain cannot think without motor function,” is something I have never been aware of. It seems to open up the possibility of expanding into a completely new perception.

[Neuroplasticity principle and body posture 3]

* FCMA, Neuroplasticity principle 3. Awareness of movement is the key to improving movement.

Doidge writes, "The sensory system, [as] Feldenkrais pointed out, is intimately related to the movement system, not separate from it. Sensation's purpose is to orient, guide, help, control, coordinate, and assess the success of a movement." Improvement in our action does not always have to be conscious - in fact much of the learning in Feldenkrais lessons is not. However, experience with the Feldenkrais Method, now backed up by research into neuroplasticity, shows "that long-term neuroplastic change occurs most readily when a person or an animal pays close attention while learning" (Doidge, 2015, 170).

* Eam Taekyoung : If the modern society is a running activity-oriented society, our bodies have evolved to be suitable for running, so there will be little need to consciously recognize the movements of our bodies.

However, as the modern society passed through the Industrial Revolution, the need to walk or run decreased, and as smartphones became popular, the society rapidly became a sedentary activity-oriented society. Due to the influence of advances in medicine, the average life expectancy of people around the world has exceeded the age of 70, and some countries are moving towards the age of 90.

Therefore, from an individual's point of view, it is necessary from an early age to increase the understanding of body posture in order not to suffer from deterioration of health in life after the age of 40 at the earliest! From a social point of view, it seems necessary to recognize that sedentary-centered activity socialization, which induces continuous low-intensity stress, is the cause of increased aggression and depression among members along with the increase in the need for emotional labor!

[Neuroplasticity principle and body posture 4]

* Neuroplasticity principle 4. Differentiation - making the smallest possible sensory distinctions between movements - builds brain maps.

As infants we don't have very clear neural maps of our body parts and their relationships, and spend a lot of time sticking our fingers into our mouths in various combinations, wriggling our toes, kicking our legs, and other experimentation that builds more detailed maps; a process of differentiation. With injury our sense of our body and its body parts can become distorted or diminished. Doidge writes, "By making finely tuned - differentiated - movements of these parts and paying close attention while doing so, people experience them subjectively as becoming larger; they take up more of their mental maps, and that can lead to more refined brain maps". (Doidge, 2015, 171).

* Eam Taekyoung : It seems that the aspect of receiving a genetically genius brain as a gift cannot be ignored. However, continued exposure to 'distinctive novelty' within the digestible range appears to promote continued and positive brain development.

[Neuroplasticity principle and body posture 5]

* Neuroplasticity principle 5. Differentiation is easiest when the stimulus is the smallest.

Differentiation is the ability to notice differences in our experience - differences that can make a difference. This applies to the perception of light, sound, smell, and temperature - as well as muscular effort. This is known as the Fechner-Weber law or principle of perception - that the smaller the stimulus, the easier it is to sense differences. Developing finer and finer distinctions in sensation of muscular activity and movement allows the body to be represented in finer detail in the neuronal 'maps' in the nervous system. This might lead to sensory changes - such as the area involved feeling larger or lighter, for example, as well as allow for smoother and easier movements.

The pattern of each movement is created in the nervous system at, or before, the beginning of each movement. Feldenkrais and Doidge theorized that the nervous system can make use of the new, detailed sense of the body arising from the small movements to make the whole movement pattern easier. Doidge notes, "Many movement problems arise because areas of the body are not well represented in the brain maps". (Doidge, 2015, 172).

* Eam Taekyoung : The reason 'it is easiest to discern when the stimulus is the least' can be compared to 'a situation in which a fish jumps into a calm lake without a single wind'. When a typhoon hits, blue whales soar high above the water's surface, but you won't be able to see them very well.

Stimuli without surrounding noises will inevitably be easily recognized. It can be seen that the absolute intensity is not important, but the greater the relative difference, the easier it is to discriminate.

This may be the reason why people endlessly try to climb higher than others.

[Neuroplasticity principle and body posture 6]

* Neuroplasticity principle 6. Slowness of movement is the key to awareness, and awareness is the key to learning.

On the level of the nervous system, it seems that very rapid movements, such as those made by musicians, can sometimes lead to two or more movements becoming overlapped or "fused" in the firing in the nervous system, leading to a loss of coordination of the hands and fingers - sometimes in a condition known as Focal Dystonia of the Hand (FDh). The neural "maps" for "different fingers are now 'dedifferentiated'". It is likely that rapid computer work or over practiced movements in sports (such as golf) can lead to similar phenomena - which can also be associated with pain.

Principle #6 offers a way to approach these kinds of difficulties. Awareness is a key to learning: "slower movement leads to more subtle observation and map differentiation, so that more change is possible". This allows the mover to observe himself or herself more easily - becoming more aware of the qualities of their movement. In Awareness Through Movement lessons the process of self-observation while moving is necessary to experiment with how we are moving, to change the qualities of the movement, and to be aware of the difference between one movement and the next - one of the reasons we ask you to pause between movements and start each movement afresh. (Doidge, 2015, 173).

* Eam Taekyoung : Slow movement means that the energy required to execute the movement is small, so the lungs, heart, arms, and legs do not need to work vigorously. 'Slow movement' is a necessary condition for 'stimulus with minimal noise'. It is linked with Principle 5, "It is easiest to discern when the stimulus is smallest."

It seems that children's relatively static activities such as 'yoga' can help their brain development.

[Neuroplasticity principle and body posture 7]

* Neuroplasticity principle 7. Reduce the effort whenever possible.

Doidge suggests that our slogan should be 'if strain, no gain' rather than 'no pain, no gain'.

Feldenkrais proposed that compulsive effort leads to movement that is carried out on automatic, uses more effort and physical energy than is necessary, increases muscular tightness in parts of the body not even associated with the movement, and risks pain and injury.

In addition, the more force we use the less sensitivity we have to the how we are doing any movement - inhibiting our ability to sense ourselves more accurately in action. (Doidge, 2015, 173).

* Eam Taekyoung : Regarding the above sentence "if strain, no gain'", I feel, "If the product of the intensity of stress and its duration time exceeds a certain limit that individuals have, the body and mind greatly It can be distorted." could be a more accurate expression.

It is also worth noting that the more force you use, the less sensitive you are to what kind of movement you are making.

[Neuroplasticity principle and body posture 8]

* Neuroplasticity principle 8. Errors are essential, and there is no right way to move, only better ways. 

Doidge cites Feldenkrais' idea that striving to do everything correctly can inhibit the possibility of learning from the natural variation that occurs in our performance from 'errors'. As we sometimes say in Feldenkrais classes, 'if it is worth doing it is worth doing badly'.  

In Awareness Through Movement lessons we use a number of strategies to generate the kind of variation that leads to learning: going slowly, breaking movement patterns into parts, reversing movements, and introducing novel movements that we would not normally do in everyday life.  

We all have different bodies with different abilities and histories; Feldenkrais lessons aim to create the conditions for learning from 'errors'  - as well as from what feels good.  In these conditions, your nervous system can begin to identify and reproduce the new movement options that are best for you. (Doidge, 2015, 174).

In his 2015 book, Dr Norman Doidge devotes two chapters to the Feldenkrais Method. He provides a useful list of 11 Core Principles of the Method as he understands it. Here is a quick review of the final three.

* Eam Taekyoung : Errors are essential, but there is a correct way. Of all the better ways, the best way is probably the right way. There are several key points (the 7 main principles of body posture) that must be observed as the core of movement, and while keeping these key points, you can be individual in secondary things.

Feldenkrais would have thought so because he knew there were too many variables involved in movement. For example, our body has about 230 joints. The reason why it is difficult to implement human movements with robots is that only dozens of joints are applied to current robots.

"The relativity of time that a moving clock goes slower is a result of the more fundamental absoluteness that the speed of light is the same for everyone moving at a constant speed," said Professor Kim Beom-jun.

[Neuroplasticity principle and body posture 9]

* Neuroplasticity principle 9. Random movements provide variation that leads to developmental breakthroughs.

Doidge points to Feldenkrais’ observations of infant’s movement learning: that their random movements, driven by their own curiosity and stimulation from the environment, lead to new movement coordinations, such as rolling over, leaning on elbows, beginning to crawl. In fact as infant movement researcher and later Feldenkrais practitioner, Esther Thelen PhD, discovered: each child has their own individual pathways to learning movement.

This insight suggests pursuing an ideal movement in a regimented way does not lead to the kind of movement improvement stimulated by Feldenkrais lessons.  

Recent research in physical therapy shows that variation, not repetition of the same thing, are essential to learning new movement patterns as part of rehabilitation. Such variations are built into Feldenkrais lessons and generated by students as they explore how to make a movement.

* Eam Taekyoung : Change in life is more an act of pursuing optimal economic feasibility than a habit. The brain in childhood seems to go through a process of optimizing and refining a genetically-given basic program to suit the environment at hand.

It seems that the young brain can be upgraded to a program that can adapt well to the various environments in the future only when conditions are given to closely observe the various environments around it.

On the other hand, it seems that people who have passed adolescence generally do not make any effort to upgrade this program any more. Perhaps the person who continuously optimizes his or her brain program is the one who succeeds!

[Neuroplasticity principle and body posture 10]

* Neuroplasticity principle10. Even the smallest movement in one part of the body involves the entire body.

The body always works as a whole.  Every part of the body requires the support of the whole body to move. Even the smallest movement modifies the patterns of nervous system and muscular activation, along with the organization and orientation of the skeleton. 

This is felt particularly in some Awareness Through Movement lessons that involve the minimal lifting or lengthening of one part, e.g. an arm or leg, and sensing how the rest of the body responds. Feldenkrais lessons allow you to move any part of the body, and allow the forces to flow through your whole self, without any inefficient holding or bracing that can cause pain and strain.

* Eam Taekyoung : The reason it is difficult for a robot to accurately follow a human's walking posture is that the human body's ground contact surface is more concentrated than other animals, and it has about 230 joints. This is because realignment is essential so that the total moment induced by the body becomes 0 (zero) in order not to fall even if a slight change in the center of gravity occurs.

[Neuroplasticity principle and body posture 11(End)]

* Neuroplasticity principle 11. Many movement problems, and the pain that goes with them, are caused by learned habit, not be abnormal structure.

Doidge points out that, “most conventional treatments assume the function is wholly dependent on the ‘underlying’ bodily structure and its limitations” (Doidge, 2015. p. 177). Feldenkrais comes from a functional point of view. Your habits are the ways you respond to your physical structure and history of injury, etc. They are learned preferences that can restrict your options and contribute to dysfunction and pain. The question then is how to unlearn your habits in ways that help resolve your movement problems and reduce pain, regardless of your physical structure and history of injury.

* Eam Taekyoung : Regarding the sentence above, "Your habits are the ways you respond to your physical structure and history of injury, etc.", I feel that the expression "personal habit is the result of subjectively pursuing optimal economic feasibility" is a more accurate expression.

Here, economic feasibility is the interaction of genetic health, acquired muscular strength, desire for comfort, and willingness to accept discomfort for health as variables.

In addition, it seems that this article can be viewed as describing only half of the whole since it was written only from the point of view of the brain and nerves, even though the body and mind are interconnected. In other words, what is observed from the point of view of the body is missing.

I suggest that you try to understand together the 'Seven Major Principles of Posture' that I have compiled and Feldenkrais' 'The 11 Major Principles of the Brain'. This effort will result in a deeper understanding of yourself, free from the past that has always focused on understanding the outside world. This will be a very effective way to become less swayed by life than in the past.


The 2 main principles of breathing posture

A person's current respiratory rate (Q) is proportional to the amount of current body(excluding the brain) activity (u), the amount of past fatigue accumulated in the current body (v), the degree of freedom of the diaphragm associated with the body's posture (w), and the amount of sympathetic nerve activation (x). It is inversely proportional to the current amount of brain activity (y) and the amount of tension of all muscles (z). (a = constant value per specific person)

More breathing reduces postural deformation, stress and negative desires (domination, stimulation, stagnation).

#principles #breathing #posture


Criticism of the paper, 'Self-Reflection of Cosmopolitanism: Negative Dialectical Critique' (Postdoctoral Researcher Kyungho Song)

1. In the economic aspect, mixed with the globalization strategy of transnational capital, it paradoxically gave birth to a longing for an exclusive ethnic community and protectionism.

What is the reason that gave rise to the longing for exclusive ethnic communities and protectionism? 

This is because the distribution system is too structured as a winner takes all. The brain of an adult human weighs about 1,400 g to 1,600 g. The average weight of people around the world is about 62kg, and the adult brain consumes about 20-25% of the body's calories when working intensively. The average human brain weight is about 2.4% of the world average weight. Human society has evolved and will continue to evolve in the direction of more accurately imitating the structure of the human body and brain. 

The current distribution of wealth is a structure in which 1.1% of the world's population owns about 45.8% of the world's wealth. The future needs to be oriented towards gradual improvement in the distribution structure so that the 2.4% of the world's population owns about 20-25% of the world's wealth.

2. From the political point of view, as the emphasis on democracy based on transnational institutions led to a negative view of democracy at the national level, the subject of democracy became unclear.

Why has the subject of democracy become unclear? 

This is because political power and money power collude with media power to distort scientific truth for their own benefit. The reason why the current global society is not moving toward true globalization is that each country's government is a Hydra society, with one head. 

What is the solution for this part? 

Unfortunately, it does not seem to be a problem that can be solved with willpower. When the means of transportation is drastically innovated and the physical distance between earth citizens becomes very close, it seems that the Hydra society with one body and several heads will be able to move forward to a true global citizenship society. In the long history of mankind, in the historical era, the heroic activities stand out, and in the prehistoric era, it looks disappointing. 

However, looking more simply, it can be seen that the prehistoric age was dependent on uprightness and the consequent increase in brain capacity, and the historical age was dependent on the level of development of transportation and communication.

#Criticism #Cosmopolitanism


The differences between living things and robots

#differences #living #things #robots

A New Hypothesis on the Functions of Mustache and Beard

I think the above article is a convincing hypothesis for the argument that mustaches and beards have a function in 'intersex attraction and intrasexual competition'.

But I hypothesize that something else might be the main function. Think about going for a run in cold weather. Moisture will settle as it freezes around the mouth and chin as you exhale rough breath without a beard. This can cause intense pain and in severe cases can lead to frostbite. Cold weather and long runs at high speeds can be conditions that require a beard.

Aren’t Europeans’ beards characteristically wider, denser, and longer than those of Asians or Africans? Europeans have been lived in relatively colder areas.

This hypothesis is accompanied by the hypothesis that the period when hair began to disappear from the entire face and the division of labor between men and women in gender roles at that time were in progress.

If the wind, sand and etc. are important for the evolution of facial hairs, it seems that modern men have long hairs around the eyes and ears also.

Summing up, I acknowledge that the cited paper's claim that men's emphasis on masculinity and women's emphasis on aesthetics influenced the evolution of facial hair is somewhat convincing. Meanwhile, I put forward another hypothesis. Modern women have virtually lost facial hair, and modern men have long mustaches and beards, but hair around the eyes and ears has almost disappeared. In particular, European men's mustaches and beards are growing longer with higher density in a wider range than Asians and Africans. The reason for this trend is as follows. It may be because after the division of labor between men and women, there was a strong need to prevent pain or frostbite in the lower nose and around the mouth from freezing hot breath when men mainly ran for a long time in very cold weather for hunting or others.

#hair #armpit hair #pubic hair #mustache #beard #evolution #function


Contemplation on the Paper, 'Conflict, violence, and warfare among early farmers in Northwestern Europe'

Conflict, violence, and warfare among early farmers in Northwestern Europe | PNAS

Who am I? I am an automatic control mode based on directivity (= Flaring up) of the brainstem (life support activities, reptile brain) and limbic system (emotion, mammalian brain) and a thought control mode of the neocortex (reason, primate brain) based on reflexive power. 

I am the existence that controls my body and mind through I can recognize and analyze the outside and myself mainly through experience and some reasons, and change the 'control program of me' big and small based on this. My current control program is the result of the interaction between 'experiences & thoughts from the past until now' and 'my control programs from the past that are continuous but slightly different momentarily'.

Organisms or living things are general characteristics that distinguish them from inanimate objects, and they have three abilities: independent self-reproduction ability, independent energy conversion ability, and independent homeostasis maintenance ability. If a social organization has these three abilities compared to other social organizations, this organization can be called a social organism.

Macroscopically, it seems that 'isolation of terrain' and 'degree of development of means of transportation/communication' determine the size of a 'social we' as a social organism. The 'social we' refers to the range in which survival is not threatened because it is not socially hostile. It seems that the range of 'social we' was wider in the grassland area than in the mountainous area because it was easy to move. Also, it seems that the more developed means of transportation/communication, the wider the scope of the 'social we'. Excluded from the scope of 'us', it will be either an enemy, an object to be controlled, or an object to be ignored. Means of transportation/communication, which were invented about 6000 to 3000 years ago, remained largely unchanged until the 1800s AD.

War is a struggle for survival between individual 'social we' following population growth and the development of means of transportation/communication. The pressure in an enclosed space increases as the number of gas particles increases and the temperature of the space increases. An increase in the number of gas particles corresponds to an increase in population, and an increase in space temperature corresponds to the development of means of transportation/communication.

War can be a natural (?) consequence of the principle of optimal efficiency. The direction of evolution toward a higher life was to minimize the moment (force to rotate around a point) generated in the body during energy acquisition activities. This can be expressed as the direction of pursuing optimal efficiency for energy acquisition/consumption. Animals that walk have been optimized in the direction of upright, and animals that fly or swim in the streamlined direction. Here, 'pursuit' does not mean pursuit as a direct will. Looking back at the results of interactions between natural selection and rare leaps (mutations), a tendency that can be interpreted as 'pursuit' is observed.

Principle of Optimal Efficiency --> Evolution toward full upright --> Decrease in head moment --> Increase in surplus energy --> Increase in brain capacity --> Use of fire, tools, and language --> Surge of survival efficiency --> increases in the size of individual 'social we' --> war

All living beings walk the path of optimal efficiency in their own way. However, the path can be classified into two paths. The first way is to conform to the will (survival and reproduction) of the selfish genes (blueprints). The second way is to go beyond the will of this gene through metacognition. This is a violation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. ​ Socrates' words "Know thyself!" can be seen as the official starting point of metacognition and social evolution.

All individuals who can change the 'control program of me' more or less have very diverse personalities according to the neuroplasticity principle. The future of modern mankind, which has evolved into a Earth organism society, seems to be very different depending on how much the principle of metacognition is accepted. 'Nerve adaptability' means that nerves related to parts of the body that are used frequently develop more, and nerves related to parts of the body that are used less often degenerate. The development of nerves related to a specific part leads to the development of related muscles, and the biased development of these muscles causes deformation of posture.

#Contemplation #Conflict #violence #warfare #earlyfarmers #Northwestern #Europe 


Postural Deformity Type ( Frontal Plane )


#Postural #Deformity #Type #Frontal #Plane


Why is the sound of footsteps different when walking?

If the pelvis is tilted to the left or right, the sound volume of footsteps when walking is different. The higher pelvic side foot sounds are louder!

Therefore, if you listen carefully to your footsteps, you can check how your pelvis is tilted!

If the tilt of the pelvis is neglected for a long time, it can lead to serious spinal problems at some point!

Deformed spine recovery technique by deep breathing

1. General

Let's take a look at how to use posture and breathing together to straighten the bent spine in a relatively short period of time and thus expand the chest space that accommodates the lungs and heart. ​

​If you open the umbrella wide, you can better protect your body from getting wet from the rain. Likewise, when the ribs are wide open, the space inside the chest is enlarged, and the function of the lungs and heart can be more activated. As chest space increases, lung capacity naturally increases and related cardiovascular system functions improve.

​We modern people are living in a sedentary-centered society that has been rapidly advancing since the Industrial Revolution. As a result, the bent state of the spine is progressing and the number of people with atrophied ribs is increasing. I would like to introduce a stretching method that allows these people to normalize this condition on their own in a relatively short period of time.

​If you look at American football, the game is played in the form of 'formation and maintenance of the confrontation front with the opponent', 'relaxing the confrontation while pulling the ball backward', and 'trying to move the confrontation surface forward'. Muscles work in a similar way.


2. Procedure​

Let's take a look at the relationship between breathing and muscles as a stretching for spinal posture recovery, and the procedures of the spinal curvature recovery method applying an American football game.

1. As you walk, keep your head slightly upward. (Can be done in a seated or standing position)

​2. Push both shoulders back as much as possible to expand the space in the chest area as much as possible.

​3. Immediately after, inhale as much as you can through your nose, pushing your neck toward the back of your torso. (At this time, the eyes are automatically closed for a short time)

​4. Right after, give strength to the chest and slightly push it forward.

​5. Immediately after, hold your breath. (Above Steps 2 to 5 are performed consecutively in a short time of about 2 to 5 seconds)

​6. Maintain the posture created in steps 2 to 5 above for about 3 to 20 seconds. (Maintain face to face)

​7. Exhale rather very slowly through your mouth (relax if you face it). (At this time, only the abdominal space contracts, and the rest of the chest, shoulders, and head continue to maintain the previous posture. Also, at this time, it should be sensed that the shoulders automatically retreat backward. Steps 2 to 7 constitute one session of this stretching)

8. Repeat steps 2 to 7 about 3 to 10 times. (From the 2nd round onwards, the 2nd and 3rd processes can be seen as equivalent to the process of 'moving to the front of the face-to-face' in American football)

* In order to accept this method as a sustainable part of my life, I recommend that you get into the habit of practicing the recovery method below about 3 times or more when you stand up and walk after sitting down. This way, you don't even have to spend extra time. I am actually doing this.

​* During the initial stretch, it is recommended to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. However, if you have practiced this recovery method for about 500 times or more and have become accustomed to it, it is a good idea to switch from exhaling through the mouth to exhaling through the nose. As the sessions are repeated, the chest space expands little by little, expanding the range of muscle use that was reduced in daily life, and performing this stretching for a relatively long period (about 1 to 3 months) restores the atrophied alignment of the ribs and thus improves the posture of the spine that was bent. may recover.

* Also, start with about 3 seconds of holding your breath in #6 above, and increase the time as you get used to it.

​* On the other hand, once you have sufficiently corrected your posture in this way, you will begin to feel that your arms are not attached to the side of the torso, but rather attached to the back of both ends of the torso. If you also exercise to strengthen your abdominal muscles, the effect can be seen more quickly.

​* This method creates a small crisis situation in the body in relation to breathing, so that the body wakes up and at the same time normalizes the poor blood circulation.

3. Effect​

Normally, there is no special posture change, but if a person who has been sitting for a long time performs this 'Deep Breathing Spinal Recovery Method', the balance of the body, which has been disturbed, is immediately restored to a normal state. In particular, the stiffness of the shoulder area disappears cleanly after about 3 or more sessions.

​For those who have some deformity in their posture, if you continue to practice this recovery method, you can restore your spine to its normal state within a few months. This method is the essence of what I have been researching on posture for over 20 years.


The 8 main principles of body posture

The 1st principle (principle of fitness for Running): We modern people have a body suitable for running. ​

There are many evidences in our body that prove that our modern body is a structure suitable for running during Paleolithic hunting and gathering activities. Anthropologists estimate that Paleolithic humans ran for about 3 to 4 hours a day. However, according to a study by Stanford University in the United States in 2017, it was found that modern people around the world only walk for about an hour on average. According to a survey conducted by Radboud University (2020), the average Dutch person sleeps for about 7 hours, engages in active physical activity for about 1 hour, and engages in sedentary activities (leisure, work, travel) for about 9 hours on average. It was confirmed that This means that the 'environment of the body considered evolutionarily' and the 'living environment of modern people' are very different.

On the other hand, the average life expectancy of modern people, which was about 45 years in the 1950s, has now exceeded 70 years and has reached close to 90 years in some countries. Due to the development of medicine, the 'real lifespan of modern people' has become much longer than the 'design lifespan of the body considered evolutionarily'. The 'design lifespan of the body considered evolutionarily' can be 38 years old, which is the natural lifespan of humans suggested by researchers at the University of Western Australia. Therefore, it seems that modern people have no choice but to live a difficult life after the age of 50, especially due to degenerative diseases.

After all, since modern humans live in a living environment that is quite different from that of Paleolithic humans, it seems that there is a need to think about how to properly adapt to this changed environment.

'Things that can be considered as the main characteristics of the body when running' are that the plantar sesamoid bone is strongly stimulated, and the center of gravity of the body at the time of landing is slightly lower than when standing. In addition, the chest space is expanded, and 'the center of gravity of the body is slightly moved forward to demonstrate the driving force' may be included.

The 2nd principle (principle of Folding screen structure): Our body has a folding screen structure to the forward and backward directions, and the moment is minimized as the screen structure is folded more.

The folding screen structure means a combination of a folding screen, which is a combination of a plate and a hinge, and a hydraulic actuator that induces pushing and pulling forces in terms of the composition of mechanical elements.

When we stand or walk with this screen structure, the moment is minimized when we take a posture with our chest pushed forward while slightly pulling our hips back (in other words, slightly bending our knees). In this way, the moment induced by the chest protruding forward and the moment induced by the hip and arm retracted backward are similar in magnitude, but the moment directions are opposite, so the sum of the moments becomes almost zero. In addition, when the head is in a more or less upward gaze, the distance that the center of gravity of the head is horizontally deviated from the cervical vertebrae is minimized, and the moment caused by the head is also minimized. In this position, relatively deep breathing can occur than in other positions. In particular, not only the head but also the center of gravity of the arm must be placed at a position where moment generation is minimized.

Even when sitting, a simplified posture with a two-dimensional, seven-tier folding screen structure is advantageous in minimizing the moment. However, the thigh is placed on a chair support with the front side inclined downward by about 12 degrees relative to the horizontal plane. In addition, the maximum load is applied to the soles of the feet when standing, but the maximum load is applied to the thighs when sitting. It is recommended that the function of the sole of the foot be reduced by compensating for a slight moment for the 'center of gravity of the upper body placed in front of the lumbar vertebrae'.

When the center of gravity of the upper body goes beyond the vertical line in the picture above, the vertebrae are converted to share the moment generated in the upper body.

The 3rd Principle (Principle of Balance): The closer the time-averaged posture is to the moment-minimizing posture, the less fatigue builds up. ​

As time-averaged postures of standing, walking, and sitting postures, which change moment by moment according to people's various lifestyles, have a minimized moment, blood circulation occurs more smoothly in muscles and cells, so fatigue is less accumulated. Also, from the point of view of recovery, trying to take a correct posture when postural imbalance occurs on one side does not mean returning to the correct posture. Even coming back can take a very long time. Therefore, it is necessary to take a slight excessive posture in the reverse direction of the deformed direction from a line that does not burden the body, so that it can return to the correct posture in a relatively short time.

The less the physical stress is accumulated, the less the moment generated by the horizontal deviation from the joints or vertebrae on the force transmission path, which is caused by the weight of a specific body part, is minimized. Also, as the moment is minimized, breathing can be deep and long.

In addition, in our body, the action to balance the moment in the joints or vertebrae parts of the lower body against the moment generated in the upper body parts occurs unconsciously and automatically.

On the other hand, according to the principle of neuroplasticity, nerves related to parts of the body that are used more frequently develop more, and nerves related to parts of the body that are used less often degenerate. The development of a bias in the body can cause a change in posture. 

The 4th Principle (Principle of Change): In taking a posture, the more you change the repetition of muscle tension and relaxation in a cycle that is closer to breathing, which is a series of inhalation and exhalation, the less stress is accumulated on the muscles.

This principle means that fatigue accumulates the longer you maintain the same posture even if the moment is minimized. When walking or running, changes in posture occur naturally in short cycles. However, this is not usually a case of sitting down and doing something that requires concentration. From the point of view of reducing fatigue, it is good to change positions as often as possible, even while sitting. In general, the reason why a lot of fatigue accumulates in a sitting position is that there is no product that considers the principle of folding screen structure and the principle of change in office furniture.

The 5th principle (principle of Activity): You can maintain good posture only when you have enough muscle mass through appropriate physical activity on a daily basis.

In particular, when there is little physical activity, muscle mass decreases rapidly from about 40 years of age, and accordingly, various musculoskeletal disorders are likely to occur at about 50 years of age.

The 6th Principle (Principle of Connection): Posture (body), food (desire), and stress (fear) are interconnected and influence each other.​​

Posture (body), food (desire), and stress (fear) are the main factors of the underlying environment that make up a person's life, and they influence each other. Among these three elements, food and stress can be seen as the direct underlying environment, and when these underlying environments deteriorate, their effects are revealed on the body and mind in a relatively short period of time. On the other hand, posture can be seen as an underlying environment that affects more slowly and comprehensively. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to be aware of this tendency on your own.

Posture deteriorates relatively slowly, and its effects are gradually revealed on the body and mind, and it is difficult for people to recognize that it is because of the posture. In addition, when the posture is bad, the tendency to seek stimulating food increases and the ability to cope with stress tends to decrease.

The quantity and quality of food affects a person's health, and if this is not good, it directly affects health, and the effect is also revealed in posture and emotional disposition.

Stress is not only a result of poor posture and food environment, but also a cause of them. In particular, sustained low-intensity stress is the main cause of obesity, aggression, and depression. Prolonged sitting in a slouched posture is a major factor inducing low-intensity, sustained stress.

Many major environmental changes that came to human society unknowingly have long since deviated from the range that the human evolutionary body and mind can accommodate. Therefore, in order to adapt well to this escape environment, additional efforts are needed to understand and adjust the system of the human body and mind.

The 7th principle (principle of Recovery): Recover by taking the opposite posture of the deformed posture.

The greater the degree of deviation from good posture and the longer the period, the more severe the posture deformation. If you take a posture that is opposite to this habitual posture transformation (center of gravity position and rotation direction of each part of the body), you can recover a good posture in a relatively short time.

Also, the muscles of our body allow changes in the skeletal structure that only adapt to changes in load (posture) lasting for several months!

The process and mechanism of self-posture recovery

1. Understanding good posture (= posture that is as close to running posture as possible under given conditions)

2. Objectification of deformed posture status through related experts

3. CG (pelvis, shoulder, head) and rotation state (feet, pelvis, shoulder) of the body part that is out of good posture and the opposite posture are maintained for about 3 hours

4. Temporary reorganization of involved muscles occurs

5. Maintain the opposite posture for about 3 hours a day for about 1-3 months

6. Semi-permanent postural reorganization is complete, no longer requiring conscious intervention.

※ If you maintain the opposite posture for about 3 hours, in the initial stage, the posture is maintained without conscious intervention only on the day. If the effort of 3 hours a day lasts for about 1 to 3 months, good posture naturally sits down on my body.

Shifting the center of gravity to recover the deformed posture creates an awkward and even slightly unpleasant feeling. But if you want to contribute to your own health and well-being, and perhaps even less aggression from mankind, you should know that you need to adopt a posture similar to that used for running while sitting and walking.

The 8th principle (principle of Daily life): Maintaining and restoring posture should ensure continuity in daily life.

If possible, a person's daily life needs to include 'labor' and 'recovery activities to the normal state of the posture deformation caused by the labor' in activities within a day (or within a week). If recovery activities require special will and expenses, it is difficult to sustain them throughout life. Activities without continuity are short-lived events.

Definition of labor : Activities that keep the thoracic space in a constricted state or contribute to constriction of the thoracic space in the long term.

Definition of exercise : Activities that maintain an enlarged thoracic space or contribute to an enlarged thoracic space in the long term.

Definition of rest : Activities that maintain, or contribute to, long-term relaxation of muscle and emotional tension

Therefore, if there is an unavoidable deformation of posture due to physical or mental labor, it is necessary to take measures to restore the deformation in a routine way in daily life.

If you study or work for 2 hours, it is recommended to walk for 10 minutes to 1 hour depending on your situation. This is a lifelong, sustainable way to keep your body and mind in peak condition, anytime, anywhere. In terms of productivity, it may be a better way than before.

Copy right 2022 Eam Taekyung All right reserved.


Understanding Breathing and Breathing method

A. Breathing

Breathing is breathing without the intervention of the will of brain. This means that it is done unconsciously.

Since no will is involved, the brain does not expend additional energy for breathing. When the brain concentrates on an action, it generally consumes up to 20% of the energy consumed by the entire body.

The variables that determine the respiratory volume of breathing activity are the amount of energy consumed for the current physical activity, the spatial freedom of the chest and abdomen (=posture), the degree of body fatigue, and the level of physical/mental relaxation.

The breathing capacity tends to increase, when the amount of physical activity is higher, when the chest and abdomen can be more freely contracted and expanded, when the body is currently in a state of greater fatigue or when the body is more relaxed physically/mentally.

B. Breathing method

Breathing method is breathing in which the will of oneself(or others) intervenes. It means that the brain is consciously managing breathing.

Because the will is involved, the brain consumes additional energy for breathing. If do not concentrate on breathing and fall into other thoughts, it is difficult to continue the intended breathing.

The only variable that determines the respiratory volume of respiratory activity by the breathing method is the will. The breathing method is an activity that intentionally increases or decreases the respiratory volume of an unconscious breathing activity, and is not independent of unconscious breathing.


Skull and jawbone deformity

If the average position of the atlas (C1) is out of the horizontal plane for a long period of time, the skull and jaw bones are also deformed in proportion to the extent.
The average position of the atlas is determined by the condition of all individual vertebrae below the atlas, i.e. the body posture. Deformation of the jawbone can lead to dental or gum disease.