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Criticism of the paper, 'Self-Reflection of Cosmopolitanism: Negative Dialectical Critique' (Postdoctoral Researcher Kyungho Song)

1. In the economic aspect, mixed with the globalization strategy of transnational capital, it paradoxically gave birth to a longing for an exclusive ethnic community and protectionism.

What is the reason that gave rise to the longing for exclusive ethnic communities and protectionism? 

This is because the distribution system is too structured as a winner takes all. The brain of an adult human weighs about 1,400 g to 1,600 g. The average weight of people around the world is about 62kg, and the adult brain consumes about 20-25% of the body's calories when working intensively. The average human brain weight is about 2.4% of the world average weight. Human society has evolved and will continue to evolve in the direction of more accurately imitating the structure of the human body and brain. 

The current distribution of wealth is a structure in which 1.1% of the world's population owns about 45.8% of the world's wealth. The future needs to be oriented towards gradual improvement in the distribution structure so that the 2.4% of the world's population owns about 20-25% of the world's wealth.

2. From the political point of view, as the emphasis on democracy based on transnational institutions led to a negative view of democracy at the national level, the subject of democracy became unclear.

Why has the subject of democracy become unclear? 

This is because political power and money power collude with media power to distort scientific truth for their own benefit. The reason why the current global society is not moving toward true globalization is that each country's government is a Hydra society, with one head. 

What is the solution for this part? 

Unfortunately, it does not seem to be a problem that can be solved with willpower. When the means of transportation is drastically innovated and the physical distance between earth citizens becomes very close, it seems that the Hydra society with one body and several heads will be able to move forward to a true global citizenship society. In the long history of mankind, in the historical era, the heroic activities stand out, and in the prehistoric era, it looks disappointing. 

However, looking more simply, it can be seen that the prehistoric age was dependent on uprightness and the consequent increase in brain capacity, and the historical age was dependent on the level of development of transportation and communication.

#Criticism #Cosmopolitanism

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