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Contemplation on the Paper, 'Conflict, violence, and warfare among early farmers in Northwestern Europe'

Conflict, violence, and warfare among early farmers in Northwestern Europe | PNAS

Who am I? I am an automatic control mode based on directivity (= Flaring up) of the brainstem (life support activities, reptile brain) and limbic system (emotion, mammalian brain) and a thought control mode of the neocortex (reason, primate brain) based on reflexive power. 

I am the existence that controls my body and mind through I can recognize and analyze the outside and myself mainly through experience and some reasons, and change the 'control program of me' big and small based on this. My current control program is the result of the interaction between 'experiences & thoughts from the past until now' and 'my control programs from the past that are continuous but slightly different momentarily'.

Organisms or living things are general characteristics that distinguish them from inanimate objects, and they have three abilities: independent self-reproduction ability, independent energy conversion ability, and independent homeostasis maintenance ability. If a social organization has these three abilities compared to other social organizations, this organization can be called a social organism.

Macroscopically, it seems that 'isolation of terrain' and 'degree of development of means of transportation/communication' determine the size of a 'social we' as a social organism. The 'social we' refers to the range in which survival is not threatened because it is not socially hostile. It seems that the range of 'social we' was wider in the grassland area than in the mountainous area because it was easy to move. Also, it seems that the more developed means of transportation/communication, the wider the scope of the 'social we'. Excluded from the scope of 'us', it will be either an enemy, an object to be controlled, or an object to be ignored. Means of transportation/communication, which were invented about 6000 to 3000 years ago, remained largely unchanged until the 1800s AD.

War is a struggle for survival between individual 'social we' following population growth and the development of means of transportation/communication. The pressure in an enclosed space increases as the number of gas particles increases and the temperature of the space increases. An increase in the number of gas particles corresponds to an increase in population, and an increase in space temperature corresponds to the development of means of transportation/communication.

War can be a natural (?) consequence of the principle of optimal efficiency. The direction of evolution toward a higher life was to minimize the moment (force to rotate around a point) generated in the body during energy acquisition activities. This can be expressed as the direction of pursuing optimal efficiency for energy acquisition/consumption. Animals that walk have been optimized in the direction of upright, and animals that fly or swim in the streamlined direction. Here, 'pursuit' does not mean pursuit as a direct will. Looking back at the results of interactions between natural selection and rare leaps (mutations), a tendency that can be interpreted as 'pursuit' is observed.

Principle of Optimal Efficiency --> Evolution toward full upright --> Decrease in head moment --> Increase in surplus energy --> Increase in brain capacity --> Use of fire, tools, and language --> Surge of survival efficiency --> increases in the size of individual 'social we' --> war

All living beings walk the path of optimal efficiency in their own way. However, the path can be classified into two paths. The first way is to conform to the will (survival and reproduction) of the selfish genes (blueprints). The second way is to go beyond the will of this gene through metacognition. This is a violation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. ​ Socrates' words "Know thyself!" can be seen as the official starting point of metacognition and social evolution.

All individuals who can change the 'control program of me' more or less have very diverse personalities according to the neuroplasticity principle. The future of modern mankind, which has evolved into a Earth organism society, seems to be very different depending on how much the principle of metacognition is accepted. 'Nerve adaptability' means that nerves related to parts of the body that are used frequently develop more, and nerves related to parts of the body that are used less often degenerate. The development of nerves related to a specific part leads to the development of related muscles, and the biased development of these muscles causes deformation of posture.

#Contemplation #Conflict #violence #warfare #earlyfarmers #Northwestern #Europe 

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