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Analysis of why Google, the icon of innovation, fails too much

 It comes after Google's massive restructuring on January 20, which surprised the tech industry around the world as well as Silicon Valley. On this day, 12,000 people and 6% of Google employees lost their jobs.

Many projects have been carried out in line with Google X's goal of preparing for the future of search engines by developing technologies and services that others cannot think of. However, it is recognized that Every day Robots, Autonomous driving through Waymo, Biotechnology through Verily, Hot-air balloon Internet, Flying wind farms, and Google Glass have failed in their current state.

Google has a broader perspective and a stronger willingness to prepare for the future than other companies. However, the level of understanding the long course of human history seems low. What was the long course of human history? 

A. History of living organisms

On average, except for plants, all animals, including humans, have a long history of being energy-satisfied. Also, no animal, including humans, has something that evolutionarily reflects the management function of energy-fulfilling states. 

Animals that cannot make their own energy have the lowest emotion of aggression to acquire energy to ensure their survival and fear not to become energy for other animals. Furthermore, the constant lack of energy seems to have made aggression and fear essential to life. However, since the First Industrial Revolution (about 250 years ago), a significant number of people have experienced over-fulfillment. Things have changed, but we still live with aggression and fear in nature. 

This aggression and fear seem to be inducing a universal feeling of 'feeling of deficiency' in humans as labor begins. I believe that the "feeling of scarcity" has been strengthened little by little as long-term labor began to generalize as agriculture began in earnest about 7,000 years ago, but suddenly became a sedentary-centered society after the first industrial revolution. 

When strong external threats such as predators and natural disasters existed, it seems that they felt strong emotional satisfaction while overcoming difficulties together through solidarity between humans. But as civilization develops, strong external threats have gradually disappeared, reducing the need for solidarity, and weakening solidarity seems to be reducing emotional fulfillment. On the other hand, physical labor in the agricultural era and mental labor in a sitting position after industrialization (including emotional labor) seem to accumulate constant low-intensity stress on the body in a person's life. This persistent low-intensity stress seems to be the most common but not easily recognized trace of poison that increases aggression and, in severe cases, leads to depression. 

However, the tendency of aggression and fear to pursue material energy predation is leading not only to "feeling of scarcity" but also to harm the stability of the Earth, the home of life on Earth.

B. the six main orders of organic evolution

On the other hand, I believe that the following six orders are extracted from the history of life and social organisms. ​

1. Principle of optimum efficiency 

The direction of evolution to higher life was to minimize the moment (the force to rotate around a point) generated by the body during energy acquisition activities. This can be expressed as the direction of pursuing optimal efficiency for energy acquisition/consumption. The optimization has continued in the direction of walking animals in the upright and flying or swimming animals in the streamlined direction. Here, 'pursuit' does not mean pursuit as a direct will. Looking back on the results of interaction between natural selection and rare leaps (mutations), a tendency to be interpreted as "pursuit" is observed.

2. Principle of instability

Instability is the driving force behind the evolution of life and social organisms (organization, state, etc.). "Inversibility leads to instability, instability leads to self-organization, and self-organization conceives life," said Ilya Prigozin, head of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In the same principle, desire (irreversibility) leads to confusion (insecurity), confusion (insecurity) leads to will to change (self-organization), and will to change (self-organization) has conceived a new society (life).

3. Principles of Aging

The rate of aging of individual life or individual social organisms is 'excessive energy accumulation' and 'deepening speed of energy distribution imbalance'. Harvard biologist Bernd Heinrich says, "Eating extra calories means growing faster and maturing faster, resulting in shorter lifespan." 

4. Principles of imitation

The structure of human society has evolved and will continue to emulate the human body and mind (brain) more precisely! Social structural evolution is human particle avatarization, and metaverse can be seen as wave avatarization.

5. Principles of Metacognition

All living things walk their own path of optimal efficiency. But the road can be classified into two paths. The first path is to conform to the will of selfish genes (survival and reproduction). The second path is beyond the will of this gene through metacognition. It is against the second law of thermodynamics. Socrates' words, "Know yourself!" can be seen as an official starting point for metacognition and social evolution.

6. Principle of connection

As much as the development of transportation and communication means, the scope of 'we' has expanded. Humans have been connected to each other as much as their development, and as much as they are connected, the scope of 'we' has expanded, and will continue to be so!

C. The 4 Major Weaknesses of Man and the Industrial Revolution

On the other hand, humans are showing weaknesses in the following 4 functions.

  • Responding to slowly and continuously changing environment
  • Oversufficient state management function
  • Complex information simplification function
  • Body and mind vulnerable to a sedentary activity-oriented society
Reinforcement technologies for "complex information simplification functions" have been implemented under the name of the 4th Industrial Revolution through cloud and AI technologies after the development of computers and IT technologies. The 4th Industrial Revolution is also expected to reinforce to some extent the "function of responding to slow and continuous environmental changes." I believe that the next revolution will be the technology that reinforces the last two weaknesses of humans, "over-fulfillment status management function" and "body and mind vulnerable to a sedentary activity-oriented society."

  • 1st Industrial Revolution = Technology for replacing muscle strength (heat engine)
  • 2nd Industrial Revolution = Energy conversion technology (electricity)
  • 3rd Industrial Revolution = Some functional reinforcement technologies of the brain (computer and IT)
  • The 4th Industrial Revolution = Reinforcement Technology (AI) of the Brain's Complex Information Processing Function 
  • The 5th Industrial Revolution? = Brain's reinforcement of excess energy management functions, or body and mind vulnerable to a sedentary activity-oriented society.

D. Prediction of the 5th Industrial Revolution

The following areas play a major role in the 4th Industrial Revolution (technology-oriented that realizes the "principle of optimal efficiency" among the "major five orders of organic evolution" centered on digitalization).  

  • FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google): A platform company that eliminates existing distribution energy inefficiencies in the areas of human interaction, objects, movies, and information 
  • Cryptocurrency: Money that eliminates the inefficiency of existing currencies that require arbitrators.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) : A technology that complements the speed and capacity of the human brain's information processing. 
  • Internet of Things (IoT): Technology that connects objects and objects to each other through the Internet 
  • Quantum Computing: Technology for Dramatically Increasing Computational Speed
  • Metaverse: 3D virtual world on the Internet fused with the real world = Social realization of the imaging and storage capacity of the human brain 
  • Nanotechnology: Technology for manipulating materials of atomic size 
  • Bio: Physiology, Chemistry, Genetic Disease Control Technology 
  • Advanced Materials: Material Development Technology to Extend the Limits of Existing Materials 

I expect the 5th Industrial Revolution to be centered on the following. It is listed in order from technically easy to implement to difficult.

  • Realization of Postural Deformation Prevention Techniques in the Body
  • Realization of AI technology that can analyze logical errors and ask creative questions from given information
  • Realization of technology that realizes 'the principle of metacognition' among 'the five main orders of organic evolution'
  • the realization of technology to ensure the stability of the earth
  • Realization of technology to reinforce the brain's excess energy management functions 
  • The realization of technology to increase transportation speed dramatically
  • the realization of emotional (desire and fear) control techniques

In conclusion, Google seems to have too many failures because it navigates to the unknown without a map.

#google #Failure #analysis 

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