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Deformed spine recovery technique by deep breathing

1. General

Let's take a look at how to use posture and breathing together to straighten the bent spine in a relatively short period of time and thus expand the chest space that accommodates the lungs and heart. ​

​If you open the umbrella wide, you can better protect your body from getting wet from the rain. Likewise, when the ribs are wide open, the space inside the chest is enlarged, and the function of the lungs and heart can be more activated. As chest space increases, lung capacity naturally increases and related cardiovascular system functions improve.

​We modern people are living in a sedentary-centered society that has been rapidly advancing since the Industrial Revolution. As a result, the bent state of the spine is progressing and the number of people with atrophied ribs is increasing. I would like to introduce a stretching method that allows these people to normalize this condition on their own in a relatively short period of time.

​If you look at American football, the game is played in the form of 'formation and maintenance of the confrontation front with the opponent', 'relaxing the confrontation while pulling the ball backward', and 'trying to move the confrontation surface forward'. Muscles work in a similar way.


2. Procedure​

Let's take a look at the relationship between breathing and muscles as a stretching for spinal posture recovery, and the procedures of the spinal curvature recovery method applying an American football game.

1. As you walk, keep your head slightly upward. (Can be done in a seated or standing position)

​2. Push both shoulders back as much as possible to expand the space in the chest area as much as possible.

​3. Immediately after, inhale as much as you can through your nose, pushing your neck toward the back of your torso. (At this time, the eyes are automatically closed for a short time)

​4. Right after, give strength to the chest and slightly push it forward.

​5. Immediately after, hold your breath. (Above Steps 2 to 5 are performed consecutively in a short time of about 2 to 5 seconds)

​6. Maintain the posture created in steps 2 to 5 above for about 3 to 20 seconds. (Maintain face to face)

​7. Exhale rather very slowly through your mouth (relax if you face it). (At this time, only the abdominal space contracts, and the rest of the chest, shoulders, and head continue to maintain the previous posture. Also, at this time, it should be sensed that the shoulders automatically retreat backward. Steps 2 to 7 constitute one session of this stretching)

8. Repeat steps 2 to 7 about 3 to 10 times. (From the 2nd round onwards, the 2nd and 3rd processes can be seen as equivalent to the process of 'moving to the front of the face-to-face' in American football)

* In order to accept this method as a sustainable part of my life, I recommend that you get into the habit of practicing the recovery method below about 3 times or more when you stand up and walk after sitting down. This way, you don't even have to spend extra time. I am actually doing this.

​* During the initial stretch, it is recommended to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. However, if you have practiced this recovery method for about 500 times or more and have become accustomed to it, it is a good idea to switch from exhaling through the mouth to exhaling through the nose. As the sessions are repeated, the chest space expands little by little, expanding the range of muscle use that was reduced in daily life, and performing this stretching for a relatively long period (about 1 to 3 months) restores the atrophied alignment of the ribs and thus improves the posture of the spine that was bent. may recover.

* Also, start with about 3 seconds of holding your breath in #6 above, and increase the time as you get used to it.

​* On the other hand, once you have sufficiently corrected your posture in this way, you will begin to feel that your arms are not attached to the side of the torso, but rather attached to the back of both ends of the torso. If you also exercise to strengthen your abdominal muscles, the effect can be seen more quickly.

​* This method creates a small crisis situation in the body in relation to breathing, so that the body wakes up and at the same time normalizes the poor blood circulation.

3. Effect​

Normally, there is no special posture change, but if a person who has been sitting for a long time performs this 'Deep Breathing Spinal Recovery Method', the balance of the body, which has been disturbed, is immediately restored to a normal state. In particular, the stiffness of the shoulder area disappears cleanly after about 3 or more sessions.

​For those who have some deformity in their posture, if you continue to practice this recovery method, you can restore your spine to its normal state within a few months. This method is the essence of what I have been researching on posture for over 20 years.

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