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You can read my book, POSTURAL SCIENCE, on KINDLE(AMAZON)


The Book, POSTURAL SCIENCE was publised last March, 2022.

I seem to have developed a fairly slouched and twisted posture while helping with farm work as a child. As a young man, I had problems with stomach problems, blinking eyes and back pain. I have also witnessed many family members and people around me suffering from spinal-related diseases. At the time, when I did a rough survey, I remember that about one in four people had a spinal-related disease. However, medically, there seems to be no clear solution, so I wanted to do research, and I have been doing personal research until now. I am a mechanical and fluid mechanic engineer. This book mainly analyzes various problems related to posture from an engineering perspective.

I have been conducting personal research centered on observation of my body, analysis of public data related to posture, and observation of people around me for about 20 years. Over the course of my research, I have found that I have a vertebral structure that is anteriorly bent, clockwise twisted, and protruding from the left rib and so on. Also, during the research process, I was able to restore all of these posture deformation problems that I had. This book is a summary of what I learned during this research process. From a medical point of view, there may be shortcomings.

This book also made it a goal to prioritize helping modern people lead a healthy and happy life. If I could summarize my research results in one sentence, "It is very effective and efficient to make efforts to prevent atrophy of the chest in order to live a healthy and happy life." will be

#postural #science

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