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Utopia of our time

In a #trustism #society, the military command of the current #Hydra society countries is passed to the #world #government.

 I think that a world government should be established as a pole that monopolizes the world's 'necessary evil'.  This world government plays a key role in creating and maintaining a sustainable global society by minimizing the unjust damage suffered by world citizens from imperfect corporations and countries, and by properly controlling the desire-oriented socialization tendency triggered by the 'enterprise temperament'. You will be able to.

 It seems that the physical foundations such as communication (internet), transportation, and logistics systems for the establishment of a world government are already in place.  It's just that you don't have the understanding of the current need and the mental energy to push it forward.

 The world government must carry out core tasks such as analyzing the optimal population level and the optimal line for the gap between rich and poor for the sustainable development of the earth and leading to this optimal line.  The constitution of the world government could be described in terms of which the spirit of the individual laws below can be guaranteed.

 1. Necessary Evil Restriction Act: Define 'evil' and present the permissible range of 'necessary evil', which is the minimum socially necessary evil. (I define evil as 'will and action of biased concentration')

 2. Value Added Distribution Standard Act: All companies must establish standards for distributing the added value created by the company and disclose the standards externally.  If the added value created exceeds a certain level, the benefit from the achievements of the development of human civilization is returned to the global society.

3. Organization size limit law: The maximum size of an organization is limited so that even if a specific organization collapses due to a sudden change in the environment, the impact on the world is insignificant.

 4. Honor of Wealth Act: If you return more than a certain amount of property to the global society, you can be granted honorary citizenship of the district or a member of the global legislative body.​

 5. Sustainable Earth Act: Collect a carbon tax on companies and countries that emit carbon, and return it to countries and companies that emit a lot of oxygen.  It is returned as tax equivalent to the cost required to recover the product from causing global environmental destruction.

 6. Deep Breathing Posture Social Orientation Act: Human beings live in a sitting-centered society with a body suitable for a running-oriented society, so to alleviate excessive physical and mental violence and excessive competition orientation, ways to aim for a deep-breathing posture society are devised. Encourage reflection on architecture, transportation, daily necessities, etc.

 7. Appraisal Encouragement Method: Proper evaluation reduces conflicts and disputes.  Evaluation studies are actively encouraged to develop evaluation techniques that more people can relate to.

 8. World population optimal derivation method: The current world population is excessive for the earth.  We analyze the appropriate population level and the appropriate line for the gap between rich and poor for the sustainable development of the earth, and derive this appropriate line through a democratic and effective method.

 9. The Future Planning Act: In the year 2100, the transfer of supreme control of the military powers of nations to the World Government.  In 2050, the above 'Sustainable Earth Act' will be implemented.  By 2100, enact laws regarding interplanetary migration.

#Postural #Science

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