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History of body posture changes, summarized by me

Long arms of monkeys replaced the function of the tail --> 
Disappearance of the tail (about 25 million years ago, Apes) --> 
Knuckle walking of gorillas (about 8 million years ago) --> 
Beginning of bipedalism (about 6 million years ago) - -> 
Mainly bipedal walking (about 4 million years ago) --> 
Use of tools (about 2.5 million years ago) --> 
Fully bipedal walking (about 2 million years ago) --> 
Rapid increase in brain capacity --> 
Use of fire (about 1.4 million years ago) --> 
Bipedal walking with zero head moment (about 400,000 years ago to about 40,000 years ago) --> 
Beginning of clothing (about 120,000 years ago) --> 
Use of language (about 100,000 years ago to about 50,000 years ago) --> 
D4 Mutation (about 40,000 years ago) --> 
Beginning of agriculture (about 10,000 years ago) --> 
Use of writing (about 7,000 years ago) --> 
Emergence of civilization (about 6,000 years ago) --> 
Law Emergence (about 5,000 years ago) --> 
Agriculture became common (about 3000 years ago) --> 
Bipedal walking with Non-zero head moment & brain capacity started to decrease --> 
Invention of the automobile (about 250 years ago) --> 
Invention of the Internet (about 70 years ago) --> 
Acceleration of sedentary activity-oriented socialization & acceleration of stooped posture

#History #body #posture #changes #Postural #science

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