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Mathematical considerations about Me and You

There are me and you in the world.
When my range expands infinitely(​∞), you disappear(0).
When your range expands infinitely(​∞) , I disappear(0).
In either case, they eventually become one(1).

A life in which my scope grows is a flow of openness and attraction. We express this process as happiness or love.

Life in which your scope expands is a flow of closure and separation. We describe this process as unhappiness or isolation.

Openness and attraction can control desire and fear, but closure and separation encourage them.
Opening and attracting are thus operators of addition(+) and multiplication(x), and closing and dissociation are operators of subtraction(-) and division(​÷).

A person who is in love is a person who finds, recognizes and exposes the flaws in me. The flaw in me is you. When I accept you in me, you disappear(0), Mathematically!

#Mathematical #considerations about #Me and #You #Postural #Science

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