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A New Hypothesis on Dinosaur Extinction, Moment Starvation Theory

It is known that the average amount of calories used by the human brain during the day is about 300 to 400 kcal. However, assuming that a 4.5kg head protrudes 15cm horizontally from the upper body average spine line for about 8 hours a day, the amount of calories that the muscles in the back of the neck, etc., must consume to offset the moment caused by the protruded head is about 45 It is about kcal. It is about 10% to 15% of the calories your brain uses during the day. Moment is the force that tends to rotate around a point and can be expressed as:

Moment (M) = weight of object (F) x horizontal distance between the point of support and the center of gravity of the object (r)

Dinosaurs appeared about 250 million years ago, and dinosaurs excluding birds are known to have gone extinct about 66 million years ago. In addition, dinosaurs have characteristics such as bipedal or quadrupedal walking, relatively longer legs than crocodiles, and a head protruding forward from the legs. In particular, 'the head that protrudes forward from the legs' requires a lot of energy to support the head that protrudes forward during moving activities.

Meanwhile, elephants must eat plants for about 17 to 18 hours a day to survive. On the other hand, lions doze or sleep for about 18 hours a day, while humans only sleep about 7 hours a day.

What does this extreme difference between sleep time and meal time mean? It can be seen that 'calories compared to the volume of food consumed' and 'energy consumed during food intake activities' cause this difference. Elephants are relatively inefficient both in terms of 'calories to volume of food consumed' and 'energy consumed during food intake activities'. Since lions are carnivorous, they are relatively more efficient in 'calories compared to the volume of food consumed' than elephants. Since humans are omnivores and are active in an upright state, both 'calories per volume of food consumed' and 'energy consumed during food intake activities' are relatively very efficient compared to elephants.

Compared to elephants, herbivorous dinosaurs' heads protruded more forward from their legs, so it seems that the average daily energy required to maintain life was much higher than that of elephants.

Therefore, my 'Moment Starvation Theory' can be summarized as follows.

"As the volcanoes of the Cretaceous period became active, the volcanic ash blocked the atmosphere and did not receive light from the sun, and as a result, a significant portion of plants could not photosynthesize and died.

At this time, the degree to which the plants were reduced was less than the amount that the herbivorous dinosaurs could consume 'the minimum energy needed to support the moment caused by the head protruding a lot from the legs' during food intake. However, it did not go down to a level that could not consume the minimum energy required for herbivores smaller than dinosaurs.

Eventually, this led to the sudden death of most herbivorous dinosaurs alone. The death of these herbivorous dinosaurs led to the death of carnivorous dinosaurs, which eventually led to the extinction of dinosaurs."

#New #Hypothesis #Dinosaur #Extinction#Moment #Starvation #Theory 

Comparison between Paleolithic and modern humans

 #Comparison between #Paleolithic and #modern humans


Lifespan variables: posture (labor), stress (fear), food (desire)


[Average lifespan from the end of Silla to the beginning of Goryeo on the Korean Peninsula (10th to 11th centuries?)]

* Aristocrat = 39.7 years old (Professor Kim Yong-sun)

* King = 42.3 years old (Professor Kim Yong-sun)

* Monk = 73.5 years old (Professor Lee Hyun-sook)

[Average lifespan in the Joseon Dynasty on the Korean Peninsula (14th century to 19th century?)]

* General = about 35 years old (Professor Hwang Sang-ik)

* King = 46.1 years old (Professor Hwang Sang-ik)

* Queen = 51 years old (Dr. Lee Mi-seon)

* Concubine = 57 years old (Dr. Lee Mi-seon)

#Lifespan #variables: #posture (labor), #stress (fear), #food (desire) #jobs


Basic Elements of Life


#Basic #Elements of #Life #posture #body #desire #food #fear #stress #Postural #Science


Utopia of our time

In a #trustism #society, the military command of the current #Hydra society countries is passed to the #world #government.

 I think that a world government should be established as a pole that monopolizes the world's 'necessary evil'.  This world government plays a key role in creating and maintaining a sustainable global society by minimizing the unjust damage suffered by world citizens from imperfect corporations and countries, and by properly controlling the desire-oriented socialization tendency triggered by the 'enterprise temperament'. You will be able to.

 It seems that the physical foundations such as communication (internet), transportation, and logistics systems for the establishment of a world government are already in place.  It's just that you don't have the understanding of the current need and the mental energy to push it forward.

 The world government must carry out core tasks such as analyzing the optimal population level and the optimal line for the gap between rich and poor for the sustainable development of the earth and leading to this optimal line.  The constitution of the world government could be described in terms of which the spirit of the individual laws below can be guaranteed.

 1. Necessary Evil Restriction Act: Define 'evil' and present the permissible range of 'necessary evil', which is the minimum socially necessary evil. (I define evil as 'will and action of biased concentration')

 2. Value Added Distribution Standard Act: All companies must establish standards for distributing the added value created by the company and disclose the standards externally.  If the added value created exceeds a certain level, the benefit from the achievements of the development of human civilization is returned to the global society.

3. Organization size limit law: The maximum size of an organization is limited so that even if a specific organization collapses due to a sudden change in the environment, the impact on the world is insignificant.

 4. Honor of Wealth Act: If you return more than a certain amount of property to the global society, you can be granted honorary citizenship of the district or a member of the global legislative body.​

 5. Sustainable Earth Act: Collect a carbon tax on companies and countries that emit carbon, and return it to countries and companies that emit a lot of oxygen.  It is returned as tax equivalent to the cost required to recover the product from causing global environmental destruction.

 6. Deep Breathing Posture Social Orientation Act: Human beings live in a sitting-centered society with a body suitable for a running-oriented society, so to alleviate excessive physical and mental violence and excessive competition orientation, ways to aim for a deep-breathing posture society are devised. Encourage reflection on architecture, transportation, daily necessities, etc.

 7. Appraisal Encouragement Method: Proper evaluation reduces conflicts and disputes.  Evaluation studies are actively encouraged to develop evaluation techniques that more people can relate to.

 8. World population optimal derivation method: The current world population is excessive for the earth.  We analyze the appropriate population level and the appropriate line for the gap between rich and poor for the sustainable development of the earth, and derive this appropriate line through a democratic and effective method.

 9. The Future Planning Act: In the year 2100, the transfer of supreme control of the military powers of nations to the World Government.  In 2050, the above 'Sustainable Earth Act' will be implemented.  By 2100, enact laws regarding interplanetary migration.

#Postural #Science


Life Expectancy and Smartphone (2007, the first year of sedentary societization)

Due to COVID-19, life expectancy in the United States has plummeted since 2019 (see Figure 1).

But what is the reason why life expectancy, which had been continuously increasing, suddenly changed to a stagnant trend from around 2010? I interpret that the influence of smartphone use, which began to spread in 2007, is revealed after a time delay of about 3 years. The year 2007 can be seen as the first year of the rapid sedentary societization. How about in other countries? Looking at Figure 2 below, there seems to be no great difficulty in the above interpretation.

#2007 #Sedentary #Socialization #Smartphone #Life #expectancy #Postural #Science


Theory of the origin of degenerative disease posture change

In 1612, Galileo Galilei proposed the heliocentric theory.
In 2022, I insist on the theory of 'the origin of degenerative disease posture change'.

#Theory of the #origin of #degenerative #disease #posture #change #postural #science

Mathematical considerations about Me and You

There are me and you in the world.
When my range expands infinitely(​∞), you disappear(0).
When your range expands infinitely(​∞) , I disappear(0).
In either case, they eventually become one(1).

A life in which my scope grows is a flow of openness and attraction. We express this process as happiness or love.

Life in which your scope expands is a flow of closure and separation. We describe this process as unhappiness or isolation.

Openness and attraction can control desire and fear, but closure and separation encourage them.
Opening and attracting are thus operators of addition(+) and multiplication(x), and closing and dissociation are operators of subtraction(-) and division(​÷).

A person who is in love is a person who finds, recognizes and exposes the flaws in me. The flaw in me is you. When I accept you in me, you disappear(0), Mathematically!

#Mathematical #considerations about #Me and #You #Postural #Science


What is Trust?

Trust = Authenticity (continuity, transparency) + Logic (discern for the essence, creativity, analytical ability) + Empathy (university, openness, frankness)

#What #is #trust

You can read my book, POSTURAL SCIENCE, on KINDLE(AMAZON)


The Book, POSTURAL SCIENCE was publised last March, 2022.

I seem to have developed a fairly slouched and twisted posture while helping with farm work as a child. As a young man, I had problems with stomach problems, blinking eyes and back pain. I have also witnessed many family members and people around me suffering from spinal-related diseases. At the time, when I did a rough survey, I remember that about one in four people had a spinal-related disease. However, medically, there seems to be no clear solution, so I wanted to do research, and I have been doing personal research until now. I am a mechanical and fluid mechanic engineer. This book mainly analyzes various problems related to posture from an engineering perspective.

I have been conducting personal research centered on observation of my body, analysis of public data related to posture, and observation of people around me for about 20 years. Over the course of my research, I have found that I have a vertebral structure that is anteriorly bent, clockwise twisted, and protruding from the left rib and so on. Also, during the research process, I was able to restore all of these posture deformation problems that I had. This book is a summary of what I learned during this research process. From a medical point of view, there may be shortcomings.

This book also made it a goal to prioritize helping modern people lead a healthy and happy life. If I could summarize my research results in one sentence, "It is very effective and efficient to make efforts to prevent atrophy of the chest in order to live a healthy and happy life." will be

#postural #science

Understanding of 'Putting hand(s) back'

Putting hand(s) back has the effect of transferring the arm load hanging from the shoulders to the back.

'Putting hand(s) back' means that my body is struggling with pain because my posture has been quite slouched. Also means that my body is unconsciously trying to take measures to reduce the load on the lower back!

If a relatively young person does this behavior, need to check for postural problems early on!
There is a general perception that 'putting hand(s) back' is good for spinal health, but this seems to be misinformation.

'Putting hand(s) back' has the function of temporarily relieving the load applied to the waist, but in the long term, it contributes to gradually reducing the load capacity that the waist can withstand. And it will lead to more slouched posture.

Sloth healing walking can be a good countermeasure.

#postural #science

Average spinal line tilt angle acc. to running speeds

Average spinal line tilt angle according to running speeds (200m, 800m, 3000m)

Please see the distance between ear and vertical line.

#postural #science

Determinants of plantar sesamoid bone thrust during walking

The biggest characteristic of running that acts on the body is that it induces strong thrust in the plantar sesamoid bone, and proper provision of this strong thrust is a key factor in determining the health of the body. Factors that determine the magnitude of plantar sesamoid thrust during walking include the following.

- The higher the height of the foot lifted from the ground, the greater the thrust the sesamoid bone will exert.

- The more the left and right back muscles are relaxed, the greater the thrust exerted.

- The more the landing angle of the soles of the feet is closer to the letter 11 than the letter V, the greater the exerted thrust.

- The more the heel landing position is on the inner side, the greater the thrust exerted.

- The greater the stride length on the same foot, the greater the thrust exerted.

- The larger the stride of the other foot, the greater the thrust.

- The greater the gaze angle of the head, the greater the thrust exerted.

- The greater the lifting angle of the toes relative to the plantar surface just before landing, the greater the thrust exerted.

#Determinants of plantar #sesamoid #bone #thrust during #walking #postural #science

Facial wrinkle generation mechanism

Protrusion of the head for a very long time --> Maintaining tension in the muscles around the neck & reduction of chest space --> Poor blood circulation to the face and brain --> Slow skin cell production, thinning skin layers and a lack of collagen proteins --> Creation of wrinkles and fine lines

#postural #science

History of body posture changes, summarized by me

Long arms of monkeys replaced the function of the tail --> 
Disappearance of the tail (about 25 million years ago, Apes) --> 
Knuckle walking of gorillas (about 8 million years ago) --> 
Beginning of bipedalism (about 6 million years ago) - -> 
Mainly bipedal walking (about 4 million years ago) --> 
Use of tools (about 2.5 million years ago) --> 
Fully bipedal walking (about 2 million years ago) --> 
Rapid increase in brain capacity --> 
Use of fire (about 1.4 million years ago) --> 
Bipedal walking with zero head moment (about 400,000 years ago to about 40,000 years ago) --> 
Beginning of clothing (about 120,000 years ago) --> 
Use of language (about 100,000 years ago to about 50,000 years ago) --> 
D4 Mutation (about 40,000 years ago) --> 
Beginning of agriculture (about 10,000 years ago) --> 
Use of writing (about 7,000 years ago) --> 
Emergence of civilization (about 6,000 years ago) --> 
Law Emergence (about 5,000 years ago) --> 
Agriculture became common (about 3000 years ago) --> 
Bipedal walking with Non-zero head moment & brain capacity started to decrease --> 
Invention of the automobile (about 250 years ago) --> 
Invention of the Internet (about 70 years ago) --> 
Acceleration of sedentary activity-oriented socialization & acceleration of stooped posture

#History #body #posture #changes #Postural #science

Functions of Zigzagging in walking or running

#Functions of #Zigzagging in #walking or #running