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Detailed functions of each part of the spine

1. Functions of the spine

* Spinal cord protection
* The center of maintaining the shape of the body
* The base to which the ribs, pelvis, and muscles attach
* Supports loads in the direction of gravity (humans: in the direction of the spine length, quadruped animals: in the direction perpendicular to the length of the spine)

2. The main function of the human vertebrae and processes
* Cervical vertebrae: accommodating skull rotation on the transverse plane, accommodating skull rotation on the sagittal plane, supporting the weight of the head in the direction of gravity
* Thoracic vertebrae: Accommodates upper load rotation on the sagittal plane, accommodates upper load rotation on the transverse plane, supports loads in the direction of gravity
* Lumbar vertebrae: limit upper load movement range on the transverse plane, support load in the direction of gravity
* Vertevral processes: serve as an attachment site for muscles and ligaments, and limit the range of upper load movement on the sagittal plane

#Detailed #functions #part #spine


Neuroplasticity causes deformation of body posture!

'Neuroplasticity' means that the nerves related to the parts of the body that are used frequently develop more, and the nerves related to the parts of the body that are used less often degenerate. The development of nerves related to a specific part leads to the development of related muscles, and the biased development of these muscles causes deformation of body posture.

<Neuroplasticity/Feldenkrais (1904-1984, Ukraine)/engineer and physicist>
1. The mind programs the functions of the brain.
2. The brain cannot think without motor functions.
3. Movement awareness is the key to improving movement.
4. Discrimination (a conscious activity that makes the smallest possible sensory distinction between movements) maps the brain.
5. Discrimination is easiest when the stimulus is the smallest.
6. Slowness of movement is the key to awareness, and awareness is the key to learning.
7. Reduce effort if possible.
8. Errors are essential and there is no right way to move, only a better way.
9. Random movement provides change that leads to developmental breakthroughs.
10. Even the slightest movement of one part of the body involves the whole body.
11. Many movement problems and the resulting pain are caused by learned habits, not abnormal structures.

#Neuroplasticity #cause #deformation #body #posture

Critique of Peter Zeihan's book, "The end of the World is just the Beginning"

Peter Zeihan's argument seems to assume a case where deglobalization proceeds smoothly. In particular, I fully agree that population growth will occur. However, I feel that this deglobalization cannot be a long-term sustainable direction. It is expected that the US de-globalization policy will show a trend that seems to be successful in the short term, but it is not expected to succeed in the long term. The reason is as follows.

First, because the deglobalization chosen by the US is a choice that creates a flow in the opposite direction of the 'principle of optimal efficiency' among the five major orders of organism evolution.
Second, deglobalization is a strategy to maintain the US' position as G1, but according to the 'principle of instability', this strategy is expected to result in an increase in the possibility of accelerating the emergence of a new system.
Third, the deglobalization strategy is expected to accelerate the aging of the United States and the global society because it is expected to strengthen 'excessive energy accumulation' and 'accelerate the deepening rate of imbalance in energy distribution' according to the 'principle of aging'.

The U.S. policy of deglobalization seems highly likely to be a choice that will result in hastening the destruction of the global society in the long run. The recent global society has already reached a state of being united economically, socially, and culturally, and only politically has been in the state of a Hydra society. However, deglobalization is an attempt to re-bloc an organized economy, and it is highly likely to result in extremely high instability of the global society.
Since the development of SNS is creating a state in which global organic metacognition is possible, deglobalization, a flow led by selfish genes, seems highly likely to face global resistance in the long run.

The 6 main orders of evolution of organisms that I have organized in my own way through research in anthropology and biology are as follows.

1. The Principle of Optimal Efficiency
The direction of evolution toward a higher life was to minimize the moment (force to rotate around a point) generated in the body during energy acquisition activities. This can be expressed as the direction of pursuing optimal efficiency for energy acquisition/consumption. Animals that walk have been optimized in the direction of upright, and animals that fly or swim in the streamlined direction. Here, 'pursuit' does not mean pursuit as a direct will. Looking back at the results of interactions between natural selection and rare leaps (mutations), a tendency that can be interpreted as 'pursuit' is observed.

2. The Principle of Instability
Instability is the driving force behind the evolution of life and social organisms (organizations, states, etc.). Ilya Prigogine, Nobel laureate in chemistry, said, “Irreversibility leads to instability, instability begets self-organization, and self-organization gives rise to life.” In the same principle, desire (irreversibility) causes confusion (instability), confusion (instability) gives birth to the will to change (self-organization), and the will to change (self-organization) has conceived a new society (life).

3. The Principle of Aging
'Excessive energy accumulation' and 'speed of deepening energy distribution imbalance' are the speed of aging of individual lives or individual social organisms. As Harvard University biologist Bernd Heinrich puts it, "Eating extra calories means growing faster, maturing faster, and thus living a shorter lifespan."

4. The principle of Imitation
The structure of human society has evolved in the direction of more sophisticated imitation of the human body and mind (brain) and will continue to do so! Socio-structural evolution is human's particle avatarization, and metaverse can be seen as wave avatarization.

5. The Principle of Metacognition
All living beings walk the path of optimal efficiency in their own way. However, the path can be classified into two paths. The first way is to conform to the will (survival and reproduction) of the selfish genes (blueprints). The second way is to go beyond the will of this gene through metacognition. This is a violation of the 2nd law of thermodynamics. ​ Socrates' words "Know thyself!" can be seen as the official starting point of metacognition and social evolution.

6. The principle of connection Humanity has been connected in proportion to the development of means of transportation and communication. As transportation and communication have developed, the scope of the 'social We' in human society has expanded and connectivity has deepened. Will continue to do so!

Reasons for cold hands and feet

Decreased body activity, Stooped posture and(or) Mild but long lasting stress --> Atrophy of chest space, Reduced heart capacity and Narrowing of vascular tubes --> Decreased blood circulation --> Narrowing or blockage of the capillary tubes from the farthest parts of the body --> Coldness develops gradually from parts far from the heart, such as the limbs, to parts closer to the heart

#Reasons #cold #hands #feet


A new Human History(Body's Perspective)

#new #Human #History #Body's #Perspective


Social We

'Development of means of transportation/communication' and 'Geographical isolation' seem to determine the size of the 'social We'.

* Grassland areas have a wider range of 'Social We' than mountainous areas. The more developed means of transportation/communication, the wider the scope of the 'social We'.

* Means of transportation/communication, which were invented about 6000 to 3000 years ago, were maintained with minor changes until about 1800 AD.

#social #we #SocialWe


Talks with chatGPT - The direction of the 5th industrial revolution

Q(me) : I think the 4th industrial revolution can be said to "Realization of technology that dramatically supplements human weaknesses". What do you think about this?

A(chatGPT) : I agree that the fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, can be characterized by the realization of technology that supplements human weaknesses. This includes the integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and automation into various industries to improve efficiency, productivity, and decision-making capabilities. Additionally, Industry 4.0 also emphasizes the importance of data and connectivity, allowing for the creation of smart factories and the optimization of supply chain management. Overall, the goal of Industry 4.0 is to create a more efficient, intelligent, and connected industrial ecosystem.

Q(me) : Also, I think human's weaknesses seems to be bellows. What do you think about this?

* Responding function to slowly and continuously changing environment

* Complex information simplification function

* Energy oversatisfaction management function

* A body and mind that are vulnerable in a sedentary activity-oriented society

A(chatGPT) : I agree that these weaknesses you listed are areas where technology can supplement human capabilities.

* Responding function to slowly and continuously changing environment: With the integration of sensors, AI, and other advanced technologies, machines and systems can continuously monitor and adapt to changes in their environment, providing a faster and more efficient response than humans alone.

* Complex information simplification function: With the help of advanced analytics and data visualization tools, large and complex data sets can be analyzed and presented in a clear and concise manner, making it easier for humans to understand and make decisions based on that information.

* Energy oversatisfaction management function: Smart devices and appliances can be connected to the internet and controlled remotely. As such, they can be programmed to monitor energy usage and adjust to optimize energy consumption.

* A body and mind that are vulnerable in a sedentary activity-oriented society: technology can help us to overcome these problems, for example, wearables that remind users to move around and take breaks, and virtual reality or augmented reality systems that can provide a more engaging and active experience.

* Overall, Industry 4.0 technology can help to overcome these human weaknesses in different ways, providing a more efficient and productive way of working.

Q(me) : Regarding "Energy oversatisfaction management function" above, it means that Humans don't have the function to manage body and mind when they accumulate over energy in their body.

A(chatGPT) : Yes, that is correct. The ability to manage one's energy levels is a key aspect of overall health and well-being. In today's sedentary lifestyle, many people spend a significant amount of time sitting and engaging in activities that do not require much physical exertion. This can lead to an accumulation of energy in the body, which can contribute to various health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Additionally, it can also affect mental health and cognitive function. Technology can help to overcome this weakness by providing tools and systems that monitor energy usage and encourage individuals to be more active, such as wearables that track physical activity, or smart home appliances that can be controlled remotely to encourage movement throughout the day.

Q(me) : Considering the above, in what direction can the 5th industrial revolution be expected?

A(chatGPT) : The 5th industrial revolution, also known as Industry 5.0, is still in its early stages of development, but it is expected to build upon the advancements of Industry 4.0 by focusing on creating more intelligent, autonomous, and sustainable systems. Some key areas of focus for Industry 5.0 include:

* Human-machine collaboration: Industry 5.0 will emphasize the integration of human skills and expertise with advanced technologies such as AI, robotics, and automation to create more efficient and effective systems.

* Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS): Industry 5.0 will involve the development of systems that can sense, adapt, and learn from their environments, allowing for the creation of more flexible and responsive manufacturing systems.

* Internet of Everything (IoE): Industry 5.0 will see the integration of not just devices and machines, but also people, processes, and data, allowing for the creation of more intelligent and connected systems.

* Sustainable development: Industry 5.0 will focus on creating sustainable and environmentally friendly systems, reducing the negative impact of industrial processes on the environment.

* Quantum computing: Industry 5.0 will involve the use of quantum computing, which promises to provide exponential increase in computational power and could revolutionize areas such as materials research, drug discovery, and cryptography.

Overall, Industry 5.0 is expected to bring about a more integrated, intelligent, and sustainable industrial ecosystem, and it will have a profound impact on the way we live, work and interact with technology.

Q(me) : I think some of the things below will be the core of the 5th industry. What is your opinion?

* Realization of the brain's excess energy management function reinforcing technology

* Realization of the speed of transportation means increasing technology

* Realization of body posture deformity preventing technology

* Realization of emotion (desire and fear) controling technology

* Realization of the brain's metacognition ability reinforcing technology

* Realization of the stability of the earth securing technology

A(chatGPT) : I agree that these areas you listed could be potential core focus areas of the 5th industrial revolution.

* Realization of the brain's excess energy management function reinforcing technology: This could involve the development of technologies that help to monitor and regulate energy levels in the body and brain, such as wearables that track physical activity and cognitive function, or smart home appliances that encourage movement throughout the day.

* Realization of the speed of transportation means increasing technology: The 5th industrial revolution could bring about advancements in transportation technology that increase speed and efficiency, such as the development of high-speed trains, autonomous vehicles, and advanced logistics systems.

* Realization of body posture deformity preventing technology: This could involve the development of technology that monitors and corrects body posture, such as wearables that track body position and remind users to adjust their posture, or virtual reality systems that provide feedback on proper body positioning.

* Realization of emotion (desire and fear) controlling technology: The 5th industrial revolution could lead to the development of technology that can monitor and regulate emotional states, such as wearables that track physiological signals associated with emotional states and provide feedback to the user, or virtual reality systems that provide immersive emotional experiences.

* Realization of the brain's metacognition ability reinforcing technology: This could involve the development of technology that helps to enhance cognitive function, such as cognitive training programs or brain-computer interfaces.

* Realization of the stability of the earth securing technology: This could involve the development of technology that helps to protect the earth from natural disasters, such as early warning systems for earthquakes and tsunamis, or technology that helps to mitigate the effects of climate change, such as carbon capture and storage systems.

It's worth noting that these are just predictions and the actual direction of Industry 5.0 is likely to be shaped by a variety of factors such as advances in technology, changing societal needs and values, and economic and political developments.

Q(me) : Ok. Thanks! Bye!

A(chatGPT) : You're welcome! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. Have a great day!

#Talks #chatGPT #direction #5th #industrial #revolution

4 main human weaknesses, What is the industrial revolution, Prediction of the 5th industrial revolution


4th industrial revolution

* FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google): A platform company that eliminated existing distribution energy inefficiencies in the areas of human exchange, goods, movies, and information. * Cryptocurrency: A currency that eliminates the inefficiencies of existing currencies that require an intermediary

* Artificial intelligence (AI): Technology that complements the information processing speed and capacity problems of the human brain * Internet of Things (IoT): Technology that connects objects to each other through the Internet * Quantum Computing: Technology for dramatically increasing computer calculation speed * Metaverse: 3D virtual world on the Internet converged with the real world = social realization of the human brain's ability to store images * Nanotechnology: Technology that manipulates matter on the order of atoms. * Bio: Physiological, chemical, genetic disease control technology * Advanced materials: Material development technology that expands the limits of existing materials