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Neuroplasticity causes deformation of body posture!

'Neuroplasticity' means that the nerves related to the parts of the body that are used frequently develop more, and the nerves related to the parts of the body that are used less often degenerate. The development of nerves related to a specific part leads to the development of related muscles, and the biased development of these muscles causes deformation of body posture.

<Neuroplasticity/Feldenkrais (1904-1984, Ukraine)/engineer and physicist>
1. The mind programs the functions of the brain.
2. The brain cannot think without motor functions.
3. Movement awareness is the key to improving movement.
4. Discrimination (a conscious activity that makes the smallest possible sensory distinction between movements) maps the brain.
5. Discrimination is easiest when the stimulus is the smallest.
6. Slowness of movement is the key to awareness, and awareness is the key to learning.
7. Reduce effort if possible.
8. Errors are essential and there is no right way to move, only a better way.
9. Random movement provides change that leads to developmental breakthroughs.
10. Even the slightest movement of one part of the body involves the whole body.
11. Many movement problems and the resulting pain are caused by learned habits, not abnormal structures.

#Neuroplasticity #cause #deformation #body #posture

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