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Detailed functions of each part of the spine

1. Functions of the spine

* Spinal cord protection
* The center of maintaining the shape of the body
* The base to which the ribs, pelvis, and muscles attach
* Supports loads in the direction of gravity (humans: in the direction of the spine length, quadruped animals: in the direction perpendicular to the length of the spine)

2. The main function of the human vertebrae and processes
* Cervical vertebrae: accommodating skull rotation on the transverse plane, accommodating skull rotation on the sagittal plane, supporting the weight of the head in the direction of gravity
* Thoracic vertebrae: Accommodates upper load rotation on the sagittal plane, accommodates upper load rotation on the transverse plane, supports loads in the direction of gravity
* Lumbar vertebrae: limit upper load movement range on the transverse plane, support load in the direction of gravity
* Vertevral processes: serve as an attachment site for muscles and ligaments, and limit the range of upper load movement on the sagittal plane

#Detailed #functions #part #spine

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