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Technique of sleeping

There are many suffering people who are difficult to get to sleep(Insomniacs) or to wake up in the morning(Heavy sleepers). The reasons why People have a difficulty in getting to sleep is mainly disorder of immunity, excessive stress and so on. Temporary stress can be disregarded, but frequent stress should not be disregarded. Disorder of immunity generally comes from twisted or curved spine.

Slight sleepless can be easily overcome by relieving the twisted or curved spine with relaxing in a sauna sufficiently and by the stretching of making backward curved spine during around 10 minutes. Insomniacs need correction of spine. Heavy sleeping comes from that the stress is not sufficiently gotten rid of during sleeping. Getting rid of stress fast and efficiently, keep in mind following.

Sleeping is autonomous body activity which gets rid of daytime stress and vitalize itself by feeding fresh blood containing oxygen(absorbed by breathing during sleeping) and nutritive elements(absorbed by foods). But some factors are required for this activity to be done well. If these necessary conditions are satisfied, delightful morning welcome you.

Pillow should be positioned not at the back of head but at the back of neck, and the suitable diameter of pillow for adult is 8cm ~ 12cm. You can make it easily to roll bath towels. I named it the neck pillow. Why this neck pillow is better ?

First, the lower your head, the more you can do abdominal breathings rather than chest breathings. Lying on your back and comparing breathing times(during 1 minute) between using very high pillow and using the neck pillow. Using very high pillow, you will get more breathing times, because you breathe with up and down of chest(short breathing). But using the neck pillow, you will get less breathing times, because you breathe with up and down of the abdomen(long breathing). Abdominal breathing is very important factor to have the best vitality.

Second, the very high pillow makes neck bone tilt forward, accordingly the forward tilted neck bone makes the waist bone be straight. But the neck pillow makes neck bone be straight, accordingly the straight neck bone helps the waist bone to be backward curved. Living with forward tilted waist and back in the daytime activity for several years or for several decades, this wrong pose has been fixed. The very high pillow, naturally helps to sustain this wrong pose, accordingly people can feel very comfortable, so people seek higher pillow than before again and again.

Living during daytime activity, they don't sense the pains caused by wrong pose, because they focus on their works, or don't know the way to get rid of the sensed pains. So they mostly leave behind the pains. But when they lies on their bed, as their all activities were stopped, the pains made by daytime activity are sensed distinctively. So they want to escape from this pains, accordingly the high pillow satisfies this desire.

Pose lying on one's back is the best one, as this pose makes the spine be natural line and press the spine symmetrically. It's better to stretch one's legs straightly. If you feel uncomfortable with this pose, it can be an evidence that your spine is twisted or curved. On one side, sometimes you'd better to change into the pose which the body want.

It is better not to have meals 2 ~ 4 hours before sleeping, because you have to digest foods which you eat before sleeping, accordingly you can't completely relax yourself. Drinking water or beverage, 0.5 ~ 2.5 hours of urinating time is necessary in proportion to the drinking quantity.

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