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Definitions of Gaze angles and Ideal front gaze posture

Definition of the 'Vertical face gaze angle'

The angle between the gaze line and the horizon plane when the pupil is located in the center of the eye.

Definition of the 'Horizontal face gaze angle'

The angle between the gaze line and the vertical plane when the pupil is located in the center of the eye.

Definition of the 'Pupil gaze angle' 

The angle between the virtual gaze line when the pupil is located in the center of the eye and the present gaze line when the pupil is turned.

Definition of the 'ldeal front gaze posture'

The body posture when standing with the calf tilted forward about 12 degrees and the moment caused by the CG of the head is zero(the position of the head's CG is on a vertical line from the center of the malleolus connection line of both feet), and both vertical & horizontal face gaze angles are 0(zero) degree.

#definition #face #gaze #angle #pupil #ideal #front #vertial #horizontal 

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