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6 Principles of Organismal Evolution

Organisms, or living things, have three general features that distinguish them from non-living things: independent self-replication, independent energy conversion, and independent homeostasis. A cultural organism must have the ability to multiply its members independently, produce and consume goods independently, and protect the cultural organism and its members independently. 

1. The Principle of Optimal Efficiency (Principle of Survival)

For animals moving on the ground, the direction of evolution to higher life was to minimize the moment (force to rotate around a point) generated by the body during energy-acquisition activities. The direction was toward full UPRIGHTNESS. This can be described as the pursuit of optimal efficiency in energy acquisition/consumption. Flying and swimming animals continue to optimize for streamlining to minimize the resistance of the fluid. Note that "pursuit" here does not mean pursuit as a direct act of will. When we look back at the results of the interaction of natural selection and rare leaps (mutations), we observe trends that can be interpreted as "pursuit".

2. The Principle of Instability (Principle of Birth)

Instability is the driving force behind the evolution of life and social organisms (organizations, companies, nations, etc.). Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Ilya Prigozhin said: "Irreversibility leads to instability, instability gives rise to self-organization, and self-organization gives birth to life." By the same principle, desire (irreversibility) leads to chaos (instability), chaos (instability) leads to the will to change (self-organization), and the will to change (self-organization) leads to new societies (life). The deepening of instability also means the growth of positive potential to conceive new life or a new society within the negativity.

3. The Principle of Aging (Principle of imbalance)

The deepening speed of 'excess of energy accumulation' and 'energy distribution imbalance' is the speed of aging of individual life or individual social organisms.
Harvard University biologist Bernd Heinrich says, “Eating excess calories means growing faster, maturing faster, and thus shortening one's lifespan.” It is the driving force that triggers instability.

4. The principle of Imitation (Principle of learning)

The physical and social structures of human society have evolved to more precisely mimic the human body and mind (brain), and will continue to do so in the future!

In Winthrop Kellogg's experiments, the only thing his son did better than a young chimpanzee was imitation. Human babies born immature survive better than other animal babies born more mature through imitative learning.

5. The Principle of Metacognition (The Principle of Hope)

All living things walk their own path to optimal efficiency. However, the path can be classified into two paths. The first path is to comply with the ‘will’ of selfish genes (blueprints) to survive and reproduce. The second path is to overcome this genetic will through metacognition. Metacognition can be broadly divided into cognitive expansion of one's scope and deepening of understanding of one's reality.
Who am I? I am, through the interaction between the automatic control mode of the egocentric 'brainstem (life-sustaining activity) & limbic system (emotion)' and the thought control mode (thinking) of the neocortex based on reflective power, a being who controls my body and mind. I recognize and analyze 'the outside and me' through mainly experiences and partially speculations, and based on this, I can change my control program large or small.
My current control program is the result of the interaction between 'experiences & specualtions from the past to the present' and 'past control programs which are continuous but momentarily different'. The control program is programmed according to the 'Neuroplasticity principle' in which nerves related to body parts that are used frequently develop more and nerves related to body parts that are used less often degenerate.
'The principle of metacognition' is that even the remotest possibilities sometimes come true when hoped for. It is a path that goes against the second law of thermodynamics.​ Shakyamuni (estimated 560 BC ~ 480 BC), who understood the reality of the quantum mechanical universe through thinking alone, and Socrates (died February 15, 399 BC), who said, “Know thyself!” Speech can be seen as the formal starting point of metacognition and social evolution.
As an organism, humans are weak in resisting the inertia caused by the principle of optimal efficiency, which is the pressure exerted by selfish genes. Therefore, the majority tend to live a life of an irresistible fateful path toward a faster 'death' by being faithful to the principles of aging.
The evolution of life and society has always been achieved through natural selection and mutation (leap). Therefore, there is the possibility of mutating into a new species through the action of the ‘principle of instability’, which is determined by the extent and speed at which the principles of metacognition are accepted. At the point before the mutation occurred, mutations that occurred later were always completely impractical. The current Earth society cannot be imagined from the time eukaryotes appeared about 2 billion years ago. The beginning and end of metacognition are human posture, breathing, desires, and fears.

6. The principle of Connection (principle of social organism)

Culture is a variety of pursuits that occur in organic associations at a speed that genetic evolution cannot capture. Genetic evolution occurs through natural selection and mutation. Various pursuits occur in directions believed to conform to the desire to improve survival and reproductive capacity. Just as a sonic boom occurs when an object moves faster than the speed of sound, culture is a pursuit that goes beyond the speed of genetic evolution.
In particular, humanity has expanded the scope of connectivity in proportion to the development of transportation and communication methods. The invention of the steam locomotive became the starting point for humans to be liberated from physical labor, and the spread of smartphones is the starting point for humanity to move toward a sedentary society. As transportation and communication develop, the scope of 'social us' in human society has expanded and connectivity has deepened. It will continue to be so! We are moving towards a global organic society.

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