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Causes and Solutions of Justin Bieber's Ramsay Hunt syndrome

 Justin Bieber: Boy with Ramsay Hunt syndrome thanks star

17 March 2023

An eight-year-old boy with the same rare condition as Justin Bieber has said the star's diagnosis would help raise awareness.

Ethan, from Newport, and Bieber both have Ramsay Hunt syndrome (RHS), which, among other things, can cause facial paralysis.

Ethan said he wished Bieber well, and that him going public had made it "easier to talk about" the condition.

A big Bieber fan, Ethan has had the condition since he was six years old.

RHS is when a shingles outbreak affects the facial nerve near someone's ears, resulting in paralysis of parts of the face as well as blisters in the ears and on the roof of the mouth.

Justin Bieber had to cancel his world tour this month due to ongoing issues with the condition.

Contemplation/Eam Taekyoung

According to the article above, Ramsay-Hunt syndrome (RHS) is a condition in which an outbreak of shingles affects the facial nerve near the ear, causing partial paralysis of the face and blisters around the ear and roof of the mouth. It is also known that shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), which causes chickenpox in childhood and then remains asymptomatic around the nerves, but when immunity to the varicella-zoster virus wanes, it travels up the nerves and causes a rash on the skin, causing severe pain.

Bell's Palsy appears to be caused by a common virus other than the varicella-zoster virus that paralyzes one side of the face. 


Now, I will give my opinion on the causes and countermeasures of Ramsey-Hunt syndrome and Bell's palsy.

I believe that these diseases are caused by postural deformities that cause the spinal system to curve to the side. Postural habits that lead to a constant lateral curvature of the spinal system in our daily lives seem to be a key factor. This lopsided posture can cause constant compression of the nerves and blood vessels against the skull, which can lead to deterioration of the nerves and blood vessels, and this deterioration seems to create an environment in which the virus can thrive.

In our body, nerves and blood vessels around the neck and skull are more concentrated on each side than in other parts of the body. If a person with a lateral slouching posture is exposed to continuous stress, he will be more likely to develop Ramsey-Hunt syndrome or Bell's palsy.  Not everyone will develop these diseases if the requirements of lateral slouching and continuous stress are met, but it is likely that those who do develop them will have had both.


The solution is to eliminate the causes. You'll need to improve your posture habits and remove yourself from environments that expose you to continuous stress.

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