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Purpose of body movement, types of power, good movement

The purpose of body movement through running or walking

  1.  Fast movement: The speed at which the body moves to a specific point
  2.  Movement: moving the body to a specific point
  3.  Transportation (labor): moving a specific object to a specific point
  4.  Muscular strength (exercise): Maintaining or strengthening the body's muscular strength
  5.  Recovery (Exercise): Restoration of body organ fatigue and circulatory disorders (plays the most important role in health after about 50 years of age)

The type of force that moves the body

  1. Pushing force: the force that the plantar sesamoid bone spur the ground
  2. Moment: Moment induced by body parts protruding horizontally from the grounding point (e.g., the more the head protrudes forward during movement, the less the force required for the plantar sesamoid bone to spur the ground)
  3. Rotational force: Combination of the cushioning function of one leg and the rotational force on the transverse plane of the upper body

The main requirement for good body mobility

  1. Moment minimization: Body parts that deviate from the alignment line required by the combination of gravity and movement speed cause additional muscle energy consumption. When additional energy consumption of specific muscles is repeated, posture deformation is induced. (V footstep walking --> Bowed leg, protruding head --> stooped posture)
  2. Satisfying the law of change: Just like inhalation and exhalation, the left and right sides of the body must repeat sufficient tension and relaxation so that fatigue does not accumulate.
  3. Satisfaction of the law of balance: The left and right paired muscles must be used in a balanced way so as not to lead to posture deformation. (Use of one leg or one arm more often also causes posture deformation).

Modern man's life and average body movement

 Infancy = crawling --> Adolescence = sitting, running, and walking --> Adult = sitting, walking, and running --> Old age = sitting and walking --> Late age = sitting and lying

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