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Psychiatrist's "Blame Me For Trouble? Don't Dig In The Past" and my Contemplations

"문제는 내 탓? 과거 파지말라" 분석 멈추라는 정신과 전문의 조언 | 중앙일보 (

"Many patients I meet in the doctor's office are constantly pondering their past or wounds and looking for reasons why they are having a hard time. However, analysis such as "I have this wound" and "This is my life because of others" does not improve. Turn off the thought switch and focus on finding a way to live well now. If you live well in the present, the past becomes powerless." 

The message of psychiatrist Jeon Mi-kyung (48) was different from books with keywords such as self-analysis, comfort, and empathy that have been popular in recent years. In his book "You Are Stronger Than I Thought," published this month, he advises those who complain of mental pain to stop bad psychological habits such as self-determination, regret, and self-pity. And it encourages you to find your hidden psychological capabilities and initiative and solve the problem. I met him on the 23rd, who said that he had written a book to overcome his depressed and lethargic days like patients.

Q. Why stop analyzing and thinking about yourself?

"People don't know themselves well. You don't even know where to start if you have a problem. This is why concepts such as MBTI personality type tests and inner children (the concept of counseling that childhood experiences remain after adulthood and affect life and behavior) are popular. He analyzes that the present is like this because of past events or his personality, and then he slaps his knee. But that's the end. Life doesn't improve much."

Q. Why is it hard to stop negative thoughts such as self-determination and regret.

"If you turn the cause of the problem to the past, yourself, and others, you feel comfortable. Because you don't have to try to change the situation. Instead of solving a difficult situation, let's keep looking inside."

He explained that Sigmund Freud's theory of psychoanalysis and inner children, which has been settled in the past, has limitations in current society. Freud's psychoanalysis is the concept of finding unconscious memories and healing psychological problems. Freud lived in an era where the level of education and human rights was low and there were no psychiatric drugs, he said. "The way of selling the past worked because individual efforts could not live the present properly."

Q. Still, wouldn't the strong inside have the power to solve the problem.

"Of course, those who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) due to things that are hard to handle need professional trauma treatment and warm empathy first. But even if you're weak inside, you have the power to change things. Even with depression, panic disorder. I've been through a difficult growth background, but I see a lot of cases of rolling and running in reality. There is also post-traumatic stress, but many people are moving toward post-traumatic growth."

Jeon said he disliked telling young people who lack economic power, "Life as it is is okay," or "Don't mind the gaze around you" to someone with a free mentality. Instead, it advises patients who fail the civil service exam seven times to "look for another job," or patients who want to change their spouses who commit adultery to "don't expect it." They say that brave abandonment is needed, not easy avoidance.

Jeon lost his parents one after another last year. He said he realized that he was similar to the patients he met in the doctor's office while spending the day and night in tears in self-blame and regret. And I wrote a book trying to overcome this.

Contemplation / Eam Taekyoung

"I will convey this knowledge to my own sons, to my teachers, and to my disciples who have been signed by protocol and oath according to the law of medicine. But I will not pass this knowledge on to anyone else."

The above is in the original Hippocrates oath. The phrase "I will not convey this knowledge to anyone else" implies that you should not invade other areas and do not stay still if others try to invade.

Psychiatrist Jeon Mi-kyung's claim that "concentrate energy on living the present rather than selling the past" seems to be an accident within the psychiatric framework. I agree that analyzing the past alone cannot solve the problem. However, it is difficult to change myself in the present if I do not understand the past. The law of inertia in physics is that "an object tries to maintain its current state if no external force is applied," which works the same way for the human mind.

Meanwhile, director Yang Jae-jin, who appeared in MBC's "One-time Instructor" and "The Life of a Wise Relationship," also says that attempting to change a person's personality is likely to lead to the breakdown of the relationship. 

I think half right and half wrong about this. I agree that it is impossible for others to try to change me directly, but indirectly, I think it is possible to change gradually over time and to change myself with the appropriate methodology. Of course, it is not easy. More fundamentally, the medical community has reached a deep understanding in detailed areas, but it seems to be a very shallow understanding of the relationship between each area. It is locked in the framework of the above Hippocrates oath.  

Psychologist Carl Jung saw evil as the result of an individual's failure to integrate and balance his unconscious or shadow self. He also said that an individual who suppresses or denies his dark impulses is more likely to project it on others and act in a destructive manner. If you turn his story into an interpretation of the reason why I'm having a hard time now, it will be as follows.

"My current characteristics, which are formed according to the Neuroplasticity, in which nerves related to the body part are more developed and nerves related to the body part that are used a little, are not yet integrated and balanced." So now I'm in a state of high instability. Therefore, it is necessary to integrate this unstable state and go to the stage of reaching balance so that we can fully escape from the difficult situations." 

"Even most modern people who do scientific work, including the medical profession, still do not fully accept the fact that 'human beings are a union of cells,' and that 'there is desire because there is a body, and there is fear because there is desire.'"

If I understand the process of forming a person's tendency, I can understand why it is difficult for me to get out of this difficult situation. In general, a person's personality is formed by the Neuroplasticity created by the reality that he or she has no choice but to choose one particular path among the very various paths that can be chosen on the voyage of life. It can be understood that it is not only difficult to change my current characteristics but also that effective strategies can be systematically implemented to modify them in a good way only when it is understood that it was formed through various variables and long-term processes.

Let's be a little bit more specific. The existence of "I" controls my body and mind through automatic control mode by brain stem (life support activity, reptile brain) and limbic system (emotion, mammalian brain) and thinking control mode of neocortex (reason, primate brain) based on reflection. I can recognize and analyze the outside world and myself mainly through experience and some reasons and change my control program to big and small based on this. My current control program is the result of the interaction between 'experiences & reasons from the past' and 'my control programs from the past that are continuously but momentarily slightly different'. The control program is programmed according to the "Neuroplasticity" in which nerves related to frequently used body parts are more developed and nerves related to slightly used body parts regress.

"A mental or physical approach alone is very difficult to solve the problems you are experiencing. Medicine should move toward an integrated observation of the body and mind and exploring the methodology that these two reach balance." 

Each man has his own attitude. The posture consists of 'body posture', 'breathing posture', and 'mind posture' in detail. These postures are the result of a specific individual's life, and the results form body and neural structural characteristics by interacting with each other through the channel of silver breathing. The important thing here is that it is much more effective to use a neural structure approach secondary to the body's postural path than to approach the neural structure path as a way to change one's tendency. Through research related to this, I summarized the 'Major 8 Principles of Body Posture', 'Major 3 Principles of Breathing Posture', and 'Major 6 Principles of Mind Posture'.(see link below) 

The 8 main principles of body posture

The 3 main principles of breathing posture

The 6 main principles of mind posture

I believe that understanding and accepting "the eight main principles of body posture," "the three main principles of breathing posture," and "the six main principles of mind posture" are the best happiness solutions that have nothing to compare in cost-effectiveness. I'm sure my research above lacks a lot, but I'm looking forward to someone opening up a new level of medicine based on this feeble study of mine.


Dementia is a degenerative disease caused by a bent neck!

Current progress of mitochondrial transplantation that promotes neuronal regeneration | Translational Neurodegeneration | Full Text (

"Mutations of mitochondrial DNA, proteins and impaired mitochondrial function have been implicated in the neurodegenerative diseases, stroke and injury of the central nervous system (CNS). The dynamic feature of mitochondrial fusion, fission, trafficking and turnover have also been documented in these diseases.

To this end, mitochondrial transplantation presents a new paradigm of therapeutic intervention that benefits neuronal survival and regeneration for neurodegenerative diseases, stroke, and CNS injury. Supplement of healthy mitochondria to damaged neurons has been reported to promote neuronal viability, activity and neurite re-growth. In this review, we provide an overview of the recent advance and development on mitochondrial therapy."

Injury-induced morphogenesis and distribution of mitochondria in neurons. a Healthy neurons. b (upper panel) In response to neuronal injury, the size and number of mitochondria are increased around the axon hillock. (bottom panel) Stimuli, such as low-dose ionizing radiation stress, induces mitochondrial fusion [56]. c During neuronal regeneration, density of mitochondria and their transport are increased in the regenerating axon. Moreover, knockout of Snph or overexpressing Armcx1 have been shown to improve mitochondrial motility and promote axonal regeneration [5960]

Comparing walking and running in persistence hunting - ScienceDirect

"The need for higher aerobic capacity and mitochondrial volume would rise with intensity of the locomotion, e.g., due to challenging terrain, carried loads, and velocity. As modern hunter-gatherers usually walk relatively slowly (e.g., about 1.1 m s−1 in Hadza; Pontzer et al., 2015), foraging might not require high aerobic capacity. Similarly, persistence hunting by walking would not be expected to select for higher aerobic capacity unless it benefited from faster velocities which require higher oxygen uptake (e.g., Ralston, 1958). More intensive running-based scavenging or persistence hunting would put stronger selection pressure for increased aerobic capacity in hominins compared to walking (Bramble and Lieberman, 2004; Pontzer, 2017)."

Contemplation / Eam Taekyoung

The energy transformers of our bodies and their roles are as follows.

* Small intestine = Final transformer of ingested food into blood-carrying nutrients (glucose, etc.)

* Lung = extractor of oxygen that can carry blood from the air

* Bone marrow = red blood cell producers, carriers of nutrients and oxygen

* Cardiovascular = Transporters into individual cells of blood (red blood cells, oxygen, nutrients, etc.)

* Mitochondria = Transformers of oxygen, nutrients, etc. in received blood into energy (ATP) available to individual cells

As explained above, mitochondria are responsible for finally converting energy into usable energy for cells. The fact that dementia treatment through mitochondrial transplantation is attracting attention as a new dementia treatment method and that aerobic exercise and mitochondrial volume are proportional to each other seem to enable a new interpretation of the causes and countermeasures of dementia. I feel the need to carry out the causes and solutions of dementia as follows.

A. Dementia is a degenerative disease. Physical activity decreases compared to life expectancy that has suddenly increased since the 1950s, and rapid progress to a labor and sitting-oriented society worsens the condition of the blood vessel system passing through the neck, especially after the age of 50, resulting in quantitative and qualitative deterioration of blood supplied to the brain.

B. In order to prevent dementia, it is most important to prevent the neck from bending forward in the average posture of daily life. Next, it is important to reduce the activity in which the brain continuously concentrates on something because fatigue substances accumulate when the breathing volume is small compared to the energy used. The reason why the life span of the writing job, which is inevitably stressful, is short compared to those with other jobs is because of breathing.

Purpose of body movement, types of power, good movement

The purpose of body movement through running or walking

  1.  Fast movement: The speed at which the body moves to a specific point
  2.  Movement: moving the body to a specific point
  3.  Transportation (labor): moving a specific object to a specific point
  4.  Muscular strength (exercise): Maintaining or strengthening the body's muscular strength
  5.  Recovery (Exercise): Restoration of body organ fatigue and circulatory disorders (plays the most important role in health after about 50 years of age)

The type of force that moves the body

  1. Pushing force: the force that the plantar sesamoid bone spur the ground
  2. Moment: Moment induced by body parts protruding horizontally from the grounding point (e.g., the more the head protrudes forward during movement, the less the force required for the plantar sesamoid bone to spur the ground)
  3. Rotational force: Combination of the cushioning function of one leg and the rotational force on the transverse plane of the upper body

The main requirement for good body mobility

  1. Moment minimization: Body parts that deviate from the alignment line required by the combination of gravity and movement speed cause additional muscle energy consumption. When additional energy consumption of specific muscles is repeated, posture deformation is induced. (V footstep walking --> Bowed leg, protruding head --> stooped posture)
  2. Satisfying the law of change: Just like inhalation and exhalation, the left and right sides of the body must repeat sufficient tension and relaxation so that fatigue does not accumulate.
  3. Satisfaction of the law of balance: The left and right paired muscles must be used in a balanced way so as not to lead to posture deformation. (Use of one leg or one arm more often also causes posture deformation).

Modern man's life and average body movement

 Infancy = crawling --> Adolescence = sitting, running, and walking --> Adult = sitting, walking, and running --> Old age = sitting and walking --> Late age = sitting and lying


chatGPT! what do you think evil is?

Eam Taekyoung : what do you think evil is?

chatGPT : As an AI language model, I do not have personal beliefs or feelings. However, the concept of "evil" is often associated with actions or behaviors that are morally or ethically wrong, harmful, or malicious towards others. What is considered evil can vary depending on cultural, social, and personal values, but it generally involves intentionally causing harm, pain, or suffering to others without just cause. Some examples of actions that are commonly considered evil include murder, torture, rape, genocide, and exploitation.

Eam Taekyoung : I am defining evil as:

Evil is the intention and action to drive the balance state into bias concentration. There are present equilibrium, temporal (past, present, future) equilibrium, and spatial equilibrium. If present equilibrium interferes with temporal or spatial equilibrium, this too can become evil."

Can you give examples of evil defined by others?

chatGPT : Certainly, here are some examples of how others have defined or conceptualized "evil":

Philosopher Immanuel Kant defined evil as the intentional, willful destruction of the moral law or universal principles of right and wrong. He believed that evil actions were those that treated others as mere means to an end rather than as ends in themselves.

Religious traditions often view evil as a force or influence that opposes goodness, morality, and divine will. For example, in Christianity, evil is associated with Satan or the devil, who is believed to tempt humans into sin and rebellion against God.

Psychologist Carl Jung believed that evil was a result of the individual's failure to integrate and balance their unconscious or shadow self. He argued that individuals who repressed or denied their dark impulses were more likely to project them onto others and behave in destructive ways.

Social psychologist Philip Zimbardo's famous Stanford Prison Experiment demonstrated how situational factors can lead people to engage in evil behaviors. In the experiment, college students playing the role of guards in a simulated prison quickly became abusive and cruel towards the "prisoners," highlighting the power of situational factors in influencing behavior.

Sociologist Zygmunt Bauman argued that modern society has created conditions that make it easier for people to commit evil acts without taking responsibility for them. He referred to this as "banal evil," which he described as the routine and mundane forms of evil that are a part of everyday life in modern society, such as bureaucratic oppression and corporate greed.

Eam Taekyoung : Ok. Thank you! Bye!

chatGPT : You're welcome! If you have any more questions in the future, feel free to ask. Goodbye!


The history of information

Consider the macro historical flow and future of information production, distribution, and control. However, gossip information was excluded from consideration.

Primitive society

* Information Type: Empirical Knowledge

* Production: Older person (=intelligent person)

* Distribution channel: elder--> young child

* Means of distribution: Speaking and action

* Control: Person in power (= Older person)

In the primitive society, information was produced and distributed centering on the elderly with abundant empirical knowledge.

Agricultural society

* Information type: Product information (agricultural products, products), agricultural knowledge, academic knowledge, culture, scientific knowledge

* Production: Merchants, advanced civilizations, religious people, intellectuals.

* Distribution channel: producer--> merchant-->consumer, advanced civilization society-->intellectual people-->falling society, intellectuals-->unintelligent people, elders-->young children, books-->people

* Means of distribution: Market, speech, book

* Control: Political power, organization power (senior)

In an agricultural society, information on agricultural products and advanced civilization was distributed mainly to markets and intellectuals. The general public centered on the elderly could play a certain role in the market.

Industrial society

* Information Type: Product Information, Scientific Knowledge, Academic Knowledge, Culture

* Production: Companies, experts (scholars), labs, entertainers

* Distribution channels: merchants-->consumers, developed countries-->developed countries, media-->public, books-->people, government-->private

* Distribution means: Mass media (radio, TV, newspaper, etc.), books, computers, markets, speech, books.

* Control: Power in the regime, the media, and the organization.

In the industrial society, product, scientific knowledge, and academic knowledge exploded and information was distributed mainly through mass media due to the development of science and technology. The general public has completely lost its leading position in the production and distribution of information and has been alienated as a position that only accepts it.

Smartphone society (information society)

* Information Type: Product Information, Culture, Scientific Knowledge, Academic Knowledge, Consumer Information

* Production: Companies, Data companies, celebrities (singer, actor, sports star, etc.), research institutes, experts

* Distribution channel: company--> portal-->individual, celebrity-->media-->individual, media-->public, expert-->non-professional, young--> elder

* Distribution means: Smartphone (SNS), computer, mass media (TV, newspaper, radio), book

* Control: Law, portal companies, media

In the smartphone society (information society), "consumer consumption information" and "celebrity information" begin to be produced in large quantities, and the development of various media allows the general public to participate in distribution again, and smartphones, a combination of telephone, computer, and Internet functions, are becoming a key link in distribution.

Based on the era until adolescence, the main time to determine lifestyle, in Korea, very different culturally inclined groups consisting of agricultural (born before about 1965), industrial (born before about 1995), and smartphone (born after about 1995) live together. 

​It may be difficult because there are many heterogeneous elements, or it may be full of vitality because it is diverse.

AI society

* Information type: AI extraction information, data extraction information, consumer information, product information, culture, scientific knowledge

* Production: AI companies, data companies, celebrities (singer, actor, sports star, etc.), research institutes, experts.

* Distribution route: Company-->AI (smartphone)-->Individual

* Distribution Method: AI & Smartphone

* Control: Law, Public Opinion

Perhaps, AI will gradually become a key pillar of information production and distribution after 2025, the beginning of a new generation every 30 years, following the smartphone society (born after about 1995).


Why standing is harder than walking?

When standing, fatigue continuously builds up in the leg muscles.

When we stand upright, the lower part of the thighbone remains on the upper part of the calf bone, which forms an inclined plane of about 12 degrees. As you support your thighs and upper body on this unstable surface, the muscles involved must remain tense.

However, if the calf bone is tilted forward by about 12 degrees so that the lower face of thighbone is placed on the flat upper surface of the calfbone, the fatigue of the entire leg, including the knee, is reduced compared to standing upright. The reason why you unconsciously lean on one foot is because fatigue accumulates a lot when you stand upright.

Standing state = continuous low-intensity tension state, Walking state = state in which tension and relaxation are alternately repeated

When walking, the muscles on the left and right sides of the body are in a state of tension and relaxation alternately, so the muscles of the legs and upper body are repeatedly given a relaxed state for about 0.5 to 1 second, even though the load on the upper body acts more heavily than when standing. In this short but relaxed state, the muscles can rest.

Why standing is harder than walking?

For the two reasons mentioned above, standing generally causes more fatigue than walking. However, if you walk a lot more than you normally do, fatigue can build up a lot.

Why walking a lot is good for your health?

The reason why walking a lot is good for health is because of the above two reasons. To increase the effect of walking, it is better to walk with a slightly upward gaze, as shown in the picture on the far right above. In the state of upward gaze, the body parts where the muscles are constantly tensed is completely disappearing. When looking straight ahead or looking down, some muscles related to the neck and back are constantly in a tense state. The continuous state of muscle tension leads to the accumulation of stress substances and means that blood circulation is not being performed smoothly.

#Why #standing #harder #walking? #good #health


Research results on sleep habits and a new hypothesis about pillows and beds for good sleep

1. Research results on sleep habits

According to foreign sources such as CNN, the US Harvard Medical School and Israeli Deaconses Medical Center co -research team recently studied the effects of sleep habits on their lifespan.

First of all, the team sleeps for 7 to 8 hours a day with good sleep habits. There were five things, including words.

CNN added that it would be helpful to follow the method of sleep hygiene to sleep well. This includes ▲ falling asleep and waking up at the same time on weekends and holidays ▲ making a cool and dark optimal environment ▲ avoiding drinking before going to sleep ▲ Prohibition of using blue light an hour before sleeping.

2. A new hypothesis about pillows and beds for good sleep/Eam Taekyoung

Introducing my personal research results in relation to sleep. According to my study, there are two important things that people don't know about sleep. The shape of the pillow and the slope of the bed. These are things that affect the posture of the body of sleep.

Sleeping with a typical pillow can reduce the function of the respiratory and cardiovascular function by shrinking the chest in the long run. In the back of the skull, there are two relatively flat places on the left and right, which is an evolutionary product to keep a person stable when a person lies. These places help not to tilt too much from the left and right when they sleep, and to change their posture intermittently.

Figure 1

Considering the shape of this skull, the pillow looks good to have a structure as shown below. When you lie down right away, the pillow height is low, but it can prevent it from being tilted from side to side. When you lie down to the side, you can put it on the high area of the pillow so that the cervical spine can be horizontal.

Figure 2

However, when you lie down right away, the downward tilt is formed from the stomach to the esophagus (see Figure 3). Therefore, it is easy to cause gastroesophageal reflux disease in a relatively short period of time. I actually experienced. Therefore, if you need to choose either, it is a good choice to prevent problems that can occur in the short term by not using too low pillows.

Figure 3

But why don't you use a slope bed (see Figure 4) and a low pillow (see Figure 2) at the same time? This will theoretically solve both problems. According to the article from Medical News Today, a sloped bed seems to have been proved to have a positive contribution to snoring, sleep apnea and blood circulation.

Figure 4

I did not actually use the slope bed in Figure 4 and the pillows of Figure 2. It is just the theoretical hypothesis.

Figure 5