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Charging mode and Turbo mode of body

Charging mode and Turbo mode of body
Every Human being has functions of Charging mode(=Healing mode) and Turbo mode(=Attacking mode). Accurately speaking, even most of animals also have this functions.

People mainly live in 3 modes. Those are Charging mode, Turbo mode and Normal mode. In the Charging mode, the parasympathetic nerve is revitalized. Accordingly the stresses of mind are solved and the digestive organ is revitalized. Finally the energy of body and mind is fully charged. In the Turbo mode, the sympathetic nerve is revitalized. Accordingly the eyes, the heart and the respiratory organs are revitalized. Finally stronger power than normal can be exhibited. The Normal mode is the condition that the Charging mode and the Turbo mode are mixed. Modern people mostly live close to the Turbo mode and far from the Charging mode in normal life.

In order to be in the Charging mode, people should be in a posture that all muscles are relaxed. In order to be relaxed, people should let the eyes have a higher view point than front side, let the waist and the back be backward curved and let the both sides of hip have balanced load. On the contrary, the offensive posture that the waist and the back are forward curved at the moment of fighting makes most of muscles be stiff.

Based on this relaxed posture, as continue to induce the body to the condition that the five senses and the brain are not active, every body can connect to the deep Charging mode. Connecting to the deep Charging mode, upper mentioned effects (the parasympathetic nerve is revitalized. Accordingly the stresses of mind are solved and the digestive organ is revitalized. Finally the energy of body and mind is fully charged.) happen very strongly and during very short time. Additionally this deep Charging mode eliminates even karma.

On the other hand, the stiff posture suppresses positive mind and induces offensive mind, but the relaxed posture induces positive mind and suppresses offensive mind. On the contrary, the mind can affect the posture. Offensive minds like greed, anger and so on induce the stiff posture and suppresses the relaxed posture. But positive minds like love, friendship, happiness and so on induce the relaxed posture and suppresses the stiff posture. For example, it is difficult to get angry when you have the posture of higher view point and backward curved waist & back.

Training of stimulating parasympathetic nerve or training of breathing let people connect the Charging mode more easily and more deeply. At the beginning, people can connect the Charging mode after 3~4 hours of training, but, if they train long time, they can connect the Charging mode after just seconds of training.

Parasympathetic nerve
It is a portion of the autonomic system. It consists of two neuron chains, but differs from the sympathetic nervous system in that the first neuron has a long axon and synapses with the second neuron near or in the organ innervated.

In general, its action is in opposition to that of the sympathetic nervous system, which is the other part of the autonomic system. It cannot be said that one system, the sympathetic, always has a excitatory role and the other, the parasympathetic, an inhibitory role; the situation depends on the organ in question. However, it may be said that the sympathetic system, by altering the level at which various organs function, enables the body to rise to emergency demands encountered in flight, combat, pursuit, and pain.

The parasympathetic system appears to be in control during such pleasant periods as digestion and rest. The alkaloid pilocarpine excites parasympathetic activity while atropine inhibits it. it stimulates digestive secretions, slow the heart, constrict the pupils, and dilate blood vessels.

Excitation of parasympathetic nerve lets a feeling of uneasiness and a feelinng of pain turn to peaceful condition.

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