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Humans conquered the earth and gained security, but lost happiness!

 5: 25: 70, Law of Balance

Do you feel like you can't live your life with one attitude? I think one attitude is possible. It's the 5:25:70 law of balance. This law exists in the things that people pay attention to. We remember Starbucks as a dark green color, but only 5% of a Starbucks store is green.

Human weaknesses

The human brain seems to have three main weaknesses: the ability to respond to gradual and continuous environmental change, the ability to manage excessive energy, and the ability to simplify complex information. Many of the problems we face in the modern world and the obstacles that make it difficult for us to live a happy life seem to be fundamentally due to these weaknesses.

D4 Mutant Gene=Exploratory Pursuit Gene

The hormone responsible for making us feel alive and seeking novelty is dopamine. But about 40,000 years ago, a mutation in the D4 gene occurred in our bodies that made our bodies less sensitive to this dopamine hormone. This paradoxically made us more stimulating. So Homo sapiens left the continent of Africa, spread out into cold Europe, and spread around the world. We also created civilizations, developed science, and are now poised to expand into space.

The repercussions of conquering the planet, gaining security and losing happiness!

In every phenomenon, for every action, there is a corresponding reaction. What is the reaction that accompanies the action of humanity conquering the world with the help of the D4 mutant gene?

Global warming, air pollution, environmental degradation, and contaminated food probably come to mind, but there's another important reaction that we don't often recognize. It's stress.

While cavemen, on average, lived a life of strong but short-lived stress when hunting and so on, as civilization has progressed and societies have become more and more secure, modern societies have become more and more common in which weak but long-lived stress is the norm. This is evidenced by the increasingly prevalent use of words like bullying, long labor hours, misogyny, and gender conflict. The powerful but short-lived stress of confrontation with animals or threatening nature has shifted to the weak but long-lasting stress of human-to-human interaction. But while our bodies are well-equipped with evolutionary systems to deal effectively with strong but short-lived stress, we don't have evolutionary systems to deal effectively with weak but long-lived stress. So our species gained safety and lost happiness.

How can we reclaim our happiness?

The 5: 25: 70 rule of balance I like to think of 5:25:70 as a "rule of life" that allows us as a species to be happy. In design, it seems to me that dominant, secondary, and background colors can be replaced by "immersion," which is when you're at your most focused on something; "preparation," which is the studying, training, analyzing, etc. that's required to make that immersion possible; and "routine," which is sleeping, eating, and relaxing, each of which should be allocated roughly 5:25:70. In a day's life, try to have approximately 1 hour: 6 hours: 17 hours of 'immersion', 'preparation' and 'routine'. It seems to me that we need to recognize that if we have one week of 'immersion' and 'preparation' (30%), then we need to have 2-3 weeks of 'routine' (=1 week x 70%/30%). Sounds too far-fetched? Yes, I think so too... from a current perspective... And within that time of 'immersion', there needs to be as much time for festivities as possible. Smartphones are eating away at our desire for festivity. What is a festival? Festivals are a bridge between work, play, and love for the sake of happiness, which is achieved by balancing work, play, and love. The balance between work, play, and love leads to happiness. When work is positive, it leads to fulfillment, but when it is negative, it leads to dominance. In the same way, play can lead to enjoyment or addiction, and love can lead to stability and stagnation. The process of a festival: even sharing of energy (food) --> music and dance --> uplifting (excitement, disappearing boundaries, opening up) --> oneness (reconciliation, restoration of life energy) --> return to daily life. Play (enjoyment) = noticeable stress relief = frequent cleanup Festivities=stress relieving function that is not relieved by play=mindful cleaning of dirt stuck in nooks and crannies Why do we go through life seeing and accepting our current pattern of life as normal? Play (enjoyment) = noticeable stress relief = frequent cleanup Festivities=stress relieving function that is not Why do we go through life seeing and accepting our current pattern of life as normal?

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