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The need for postural awareness training

Is aging a disease?

The International Health Organization (WHO) has included aging as a preventable and treatable disease in its 2018 International Classification of Diseases-11 (ICD-11) statistical classification of diseases, giving it a disease code. 

Aging is not a disease. Aging is a swamp that begins at birth. If you don't flounder in the swamp, you slowly sink, so you just extend the time that you have a life. If you keep your arms and legs open when you're in the swamp, you'll go down slowly.

To live longer in the swamp of aging, we need to reduce our sluggishness in the areas of posture, stress, and food. Secondarily, we can consider taking anti-aging drugs. 

However, we unintentionally determine the length of our lives primarily through slouching, eating too much food, and exposing ourselves to low-intensity but persistent stress. Slouching puts pressure on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, excessive food intake makes the entire body system lazy, and stress makes the body overly rigid.

Aging is not a disease that can be cured, but a swamp whose end can be controlled. No one can escape it, so there's nothing to fear.

The need for postural awareness training

People are generally unaware of their postural deformity until it reaches a serious state. They find it difficult to objectively observe their relatively mild postural deformities. People are also generally unaware of the effects of postural deformities on their bodies and minds. 

It usually develops slowly, almost imperceptibly, and gains momentum in the second half of life. From there, they become more and more aggressive, so It's as if you know or as if you don't know. But after all, you don't know.

To avoid this fate, postural awareness training is essential. Knowing which parts of your body you can detect the difference in feeling when you're upright, slouching forward, leaning to the side, walking with your back muscles disengaged, and so on, allows you to take preventive and restorative measures. However, there is virtually no information out there about this.

I can't say for sure when that time will come, but sooner or later (?) I will definitely educate the public. 

If you can distinguish the sensations caused by your posture, it will be relatively easy to detect the changes that food causes in your body and the changes that stress causes in your body and mind. So, I think we need posture awareness education first. It is an education on how to take control of your own physical and mental health, how to take control of your own happiness instead of leaving it to fate.

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